This is a very basic FHIR implementation guide template based on the fhir.base.template for the IG Publisher.
- Custom logos (see note below)
- Propose a change link with is routed through Google Forms to GitHub
Refer to the IG template in your implementation guide (ig.ini) with:
template = ch.fhir.ig.template#current
- Provide packages-list.json in www directory
This template does not use the HL7/FHIR logo, however you can include them by providing logo.html and fhirlogo.html in input/includes directory and logos in input/images, check rules on zulip.
In your IG add (or create) to input/data/features.yml the following properties
active: true
formUrl: provide link (see below)
- For the form request a copy of the feedback form
- Don't change the different entries, otherwise they will not be prefilled
- In the kebab menu select Script Editor
- Adjust handle to GitHub repo organization where the IG lives in
- Adjust repo to GitHub repo name of the IG
- In Script Editor to the left select Trigger (clock icon)
- Add Trigger for Submit Feedback, select Event Type On Form Submit (you need to confirm this with your google account)
- Back in the form, copy the link form Send form - link and put it in above field
active: true
navbar: ffffff
hover: ffffff
title: ffffff
you can change the navigation bar color