by Ryan Meneses
The monsters of the Wildes Land are in a constant battle for survival and only one species amongst them have the ability to determine which of them make it, the trainer—the only monster with the capacity to tame itself. The monsters depend on the trainers to tame them so that they may reach peak power to defend themselves, and the trainers on the monsters whom are the only ones physically capable of providing the trainer with resources for their own survival. When a monster forms a bond with a trainer they become a code-a-mon, only then does a growing power awaken within the monster that just might give them the ability to survive. Life and the very nature of survival has since become a spectacle to all those visiting the Wildes Land, with the best view at the colossal Kampfarena.
This program uses git for version control using GitHub as the remote repository. Please clone the program locally from the GitHub repository listed above.
Initial commit. The initial commit is based on the Mascotmon code which comes equipped with all the build and test tools. The original code is included for testing purposes but is removed in later commits to fit the requirements for Monster Kampfarena.
The design patterns used in the Monster Kampfarena simulation are as suggested
- Decorator Pattern
- Initial monster transformation to a Code-a-mon
- All other Code-a-mon evolutions
- Day and night weather
- Factory Pattern
- Build trainer entities
- Builds Code-a-mon entities
- Mediator Pattern
- Mediates between day and night
- Mediates the weather
* The mediator pattern runs in a synchronized thread to main. While the simulation
plays out, it refers to this thread to determine what actions it can perform next.
* A simulation runs on an in-game clock. The clock reads day:time:counter [d:t:c]
* 1 simulation has 8 days
* 1 day = 4 times
* 1 time = 16 counters
* 1 counter tick = 1 real-world second
* The simuation begins at [0d:1t:0c]
* Day time is from 1t-2t (the game begins during the day)
* Night time is from 3t-0t
* The simulation ends at [7d:3t:15c]
* A basic simulation with two trainers can end it two ways
1. Neither trainer can beat the other before [7d:3t:15c]
2. A trainer defeats all of another trainers Code-a-mon and finishes it
off with a final blow.
* The weather is read twice a day
* During the day at 1t
* During the night at 3t
* Depending on the time of the day, determines what a trainer may do
* During the day a trainer may fight at the Kampfarena
* During the night a trainer may heal its Code-a-mon
* Depending on the weather, a Code-a-mon may be buffed or debuffed
- Singleton Pattern
- One player can play the game
- One mediator can change mediate the Wilde Land
Build and generate Checkstyle and SpotBugs report
gradle build
Run program
gradle run
Run JUnit tests and create report
gradle test
Run Jacoco test report
gradle jacocoTestReport
Clean build files
gradle clean
This program uses TravisCI for continuous integration testings. Please view the GitHub repository for the test report or checkout the link below
This program strives for 80% code coverage with JUnit 4 test suites for each class in the test package with a test for each method minus setters and getters.
List of Test Suites
- decorator
- factory
- kampfarena
- mediator
- narrator
- main
Please view the following link for a screen cast