- Distributed system that can serve high load
- scale system
- HA
- Handle failure
- External distributed storage system for recovery
- Netflix clone
Live Video streaming service
Architecture : Open Connect, CDN
Transcode/ Encode service
- Validate service -> Media pipeline -> put chunk data into pipeline for parallel
- Archer : MapReduce platfor for media processing that use containers
- Prores :
- Detect dead pixels caused by defective digital camera
- ML to tag audio
- QC for subtitles
- Prores :
- Archer : MapReduce platfor for media processing that use containers
- Validate service -> Media pipeline -> put chunk data into pipeline for parallel
Search service :
Datastorage : Hadoop
Live stream movie features (with only friends who also has netflix account)
- Streaming video content
Social network
- Graph database
Billing service
- coupon service, invoice service, order service, payment service
Metrics service + Logging service
- Kafka : distributed system monitoring
- Move data from kafka to sinks : ElasticSearch, S3
- Elasticsearch : set up 150 clusters - 3,500 instances hosting - 1.3 PB data
- Apache Chukwa : data collection system for monitor large distributed system - built on top of HDFS and Map/Reduce
- Time series database with Cassandra
- Kafka : distributed system monitoring
Authentication service
- KSQL streaming, Schema registry, Avro, Kafka, Java producer, C# consumer
- Credit card registry & email registry function
- Healthcheck stream producer & consumer service
- Image tagging & processing pipeline
- batch processing
- data : large collection of image
- work queue
- 1 worker detect
- 1 worker blur location of image
- worker containers into single container group
- maximize parallel processing : shard image across multiple worker queues
- join pattern to merge output of al sharded work queue into a single queue
- design a queue that apply shard pattern to distributed the work
- 2 workers
- identify the location, type of each vehicle
- color a region
- apply filters
- 2 workers
- multi worker pattern
- event driven
- background processing : transcode a video, compress log files, long running computation
- Architecture :
AWS ELB : route traffic to front end service
EVCache: sharded multiple copies of cache is sotred in shared nodes
- Move 1 TB data from RAM to SSD
- DB : EC2 deployed MySQL : master-master - Sync replication protocol
- Cassandra : 500 nodes - 50 cluster
Container scale : AWS Titus :
Reactive - Akka
Spring cloud :
- distributed messaging : Cloud bus link the nodes of a distributed system with a lightweigh message broker
- gRPC for 1 service : written with Go
- Distributed crawler
- Understand you env
- throughput versus latency
- deployment service with kubernetes
- Distributed Cache server
- HazelCast distributed caching
- varnish distributed cache
- replicated load balance
- nginx replicated
- sharded caching with memcache(replica)
- twemproxy for Redis
- Distributed messaging
- ActiveMQ
- Kafka
- Distributed DB
- Data partition
- Riak
- Cassandra
- Google Big table Distributed Storage System for Structured Data
- Distributed file system :
- Hadoop, HDFS
- Distributed DNS
- Distributed proxy server
- Distributed web server
- Utilize cloud services:
- Google S2 geometry lib
- cloud native d d
- Network communication
- Async
- Axon framework : CQRS
- Web socket
- gRPC
- TChannel : network multiplexing and framing protocol for RPC
distributed locking
- handle concurrent data manipulation
distributed tracing, tracking, logging
distributed scheduling
distributed security
distributed messaging, queuing, event streaming
distributed search
distributed storage
CD/CI scaling
Monitor & benchmark
- Prometheus
- Fluentd normalizing different logging format
- https://github.com/mominosin/fluent-plugin-redis-slowlog
- Distributed architecture
- multi-tier;
mobile agents;
- Akka : HTTP, stream, clustering, sharding, actors
- Domain sourcing
- Distributed domain driven design
- event driven batch processing
Bulkhead pattern
Distributed domain
event sourcing architecture
- event driven batch processing
- distributed work queue
- event driven batch processing
serverless architecture FaaS
- kubernetes native serverless framework : https://kubeless.io/
- kubeless install.
Master- slave
- container crash - restart
- container hangs - health check - restart
- machine failes, container will be moved to diferent machine
- master election service
- distributed consensus algo Paxos - Raft
- etcd
- Resilience engineer
- Failover
- LB
- Rate limit
- Autoscale
- Global availability
- HA
- Circuit breaker
- timeouts
- OS, storage, database, network
- Performance tuning with GC
- Performance optimization with Image, video, page load
- Universal scalability laws
- Multi JVM testing
Debug a service running in a container
- container design for modularity & reusability
minimized docker images using multi stage
secure distributed app
- kubernetes secret
- secrets in env
- External secrets like HashiCorp Vault
make service scale
techniques to increase resiliency
availability check
enable zero downtime updates
Prod deployment
- Kubernetes pods, replicasets, deployment, services
- create template
- orchestrator
- deploy on premise/ cloud
- peek into 2 big corp hosted kubernetes SaaS : Microsoft azure & google cloud
- self heal
- update service, avoid cascading failures
- C, C++
- Java, Spring, Spring cloud
- Node.js, io.js
- Python
- Go lang
- microservices
- cache
- kubernetes
- Data pipeline
- cloud
- Redis
- Active MQ
- Hazelcast
- Docker, Kubernetes on distributed system
- Architecture
- Reactive architecture: Java (Axon framework), Scala (Akka)
- Event sourcing architecture
- Database in distributed system
- Book
- Research paper (Graduate, PhD level )
- Distributed system, large scale system : Uber, Netflix, Grab, AirBnB, Amazon, AWS, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple
- Resource
Facebook scalability / distributed system paper
- Scaling backend authentication at facebook
- facebook distributed architecture : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262689075_Overview_of_Facebook_scalable_architecture
- Inside the Social Network data center Facebook
- Building a billion user load balancer at Facebook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxhYNfFeVF4
Uber distributed system / scalability
- http://highscalability.com/blog/2015/9/14/how-uber-scales-their-real-time-market-platform.html
- Uber Marketplace Meetup: Using Distributed Locking to Build Reliable Systems
Netflix distributed system / scalability
Google distributed system / scalability
Designing distributed system : Google case study
web search
- deep search
- index, inverted index
- ranking - Page Rank
massively multiplayer online games
financial trading
Developing real world case studies
Large scale cluster management at Google with Borg
Google’s Data Architecture and What it Takes to Work at Scale
Bigtable:A DistributedStorageSystemforStructuredData
AirBnB distributed system / scalability
Microsoft distributed system / scalability
Amazon distributed system / scalability