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  • Distributed system that can serve high load
  • scale system
  • HA
  • Handle failure
  • External distributed storage system for recovery


  • Netflix clone
    • Live Video streaming service

      • Architecture : Open Connect, CDN

      • Transcode/ Encode service

        • Validate service -> Media pipeline -> put chunk data into pipeline for parallel
          • Archer : MapReduce platfor for media processing that use containers
            • Prores :
              • Detect dead pixels caused by defective digital camera
              • ML to tag audio
              • QC for subtitles
      • Search service :

      • Datastorage : Hadoop

    • Live stream movie features (with only friends who also has netflix account)

      • Streaming video content
    • Social network

      • Graph database
    • Billing service

      • coupon service, invoice service, order service, payment service
    • Metrics service + Logging service

      • Kafka : distributed system monitoring
        • Move data from kafka to sinks : ElasticSearch, S3
      • Elasticsearch : set up 150 clusters - 3,500 instances hosting - 1.3 PB data
      • Apache Chukwa : data collection system for monitor large distributed system - built on top of HDFS and Map/Reduce
      • Time series database with Cassandra
    • Authentication service

      • KSQL streaming, Schema registry, Avro, Kafka, Java producer, C# consumer
      • Credit card registry & email registry function
      • Healthcheck stream producer & consumer service
    • Image tagging & processing pipeline
      • batch processing
      • data : large collection of image
      • work queue
      • 1 worker detect
      • 1 worker blur location of image
      • worker containers into single container group
      • maximize parallel processing : shard image across multiple worker queues
      • join pattern to merge output of al sharded work queue into a single queue
      • design a queue that apply shard pattern to distributed the work
        • 2 workers
          • identify the location, type of each vehicle
          • color a region
          • apply filters
      • multi worker pattern
      • event driven
    • background processing : transcode a video, compress log files, long running computation
    • Architecture :
      • AWS ELB : route traffic to front end service

      • EVCache: sharded multiple copies of cache is sotred in shared nodes

      • Data

        • Move 1 TB data from RAM to SSD
        • DB : EC2 deployed MySQL : master-master - Sync replication protocol
        • Cassandra : 500 nodes - 50 cluster
      • Container scale : AWS Titus :

      • Reactive - Akka

      • Spring cloud :

        • distributed messaging : Cloud bus link the nodes of a distributed system with a lightweigh message broker
    • gRPC for 1 service : written with Go
  • Distributed crawler

Principle for performance tuning

  • Understand you env
  • throughput versus latency


  • deployment service with kubernetes
  • Distributed Cache server
    • HazelCast distributed caching
    • varnish distributed cache
  • replicated load balance
  • nginx replicated
  • sharded caching with memcache(replica)
    • twemproxy for Redis
  • Distributed messaging
    • ActiveMQ
    • Kafka
  • Distributed DB
    • Data partition
    • Riak
    • Cassandra
    • Google Big table Distributed Storage System for Structured Data
  • Distributed file system :
    • Hadoop, HDFS
  • Distributed DNS
  • Distributed proxy server
  • Distributed web server
  • Utilize cloud services:
    • AWS : AWS ELB
    • Google S2 geometry lib
    • cloud native d d
  • Network communication
    • Async
    • Axon framework : CQRS
    • Web socket
    • RMI, CORBA
    • gRPC
    • TChannel : network multiplexing and framing protocol for RPC
  • distributed locking

    • CAP
    • handle concurrent data manipulation
  • distributed tracing, tracking, logging

  • distributed scheduling

  • distributed security

  • distributed messaging, queuing, event streaming

  • distributed search

  • distributed storage

  • CD/CI scaling

  • Monitor & benchmark

  • Distributed architecture
    • peer-to-peer;

    • client/server;

      • multi-tier;
    • mobile agents;

    • Reactive

      • Akka : HTTP, stream, clustering, sharding, actors
      • Domain sourcing
      • Distributed domain driven design
      • CQRS
      • event driven batch processing
    • Bulkhead pattern

    • Distributed domain

  • event sourcing architecture

    • event driven batch processing
      • distributed work queue
  • serverless architecture FaaS

  • Master- slave

    • container crash - restart
    • container hangs - health check - restart
    • machine failes, container will be moved to diferent machine
    • master election service
      • distributed consensus algo Paxos - Raft
    • etcd
  • redis

  • thrift

  • nginx


  • Resilience engineer
  • Failover
  • LB
  • Rate limit
  • Autoscale
  • Global availability
  • HA
  • Circuit breaker
  • timeouts


  • OS, storage, database, network
  • Performance tuning with GC
  • Performance optimization with Image, video, page load

Distributed cloud computing


  • Universal scalability laws

Server clustering



  • Multi JVM testing

Container distributed application

  • Debug a service running in a container

    • container design for modularity & reusability
  • minimized docker images using multi stage

  • secure distributed app

    • kubernetes secret
    • secrets in env
    • External secrets like HashiCorp Vault
  • make service scale

  • techniques to increase resiliency

  • availability check

  • enable zero downtime updates

  • Prod deployment

    • Kubernetes pods, replicasets, deployment, services
    • create template
    • orchestrator
    • deploy on premise/ cloud
    • peek into 2 big corp hosted kubernetes SaaS : Microsoft azure & google cloud
  • Prod

    • self heal
    • update service, avoid cascading failures

Tech stack

  • C, C++
  • Java, Spring, Spring cloud
  • Node.js, io.js
  • Python
  • Go lang
  • microservices
  • cache
  • kubernetes
  • KUDA
  • Data pipeline
  • cloud
  • Redis
  • Active MQ
  • Hazelcast
  • Docker, Kubernetes on distributed system
  • Architecture
    • Reactive architecture: Java (Axon framework), Scala (Akka)
    • Event sourcing architecture
  • Database in distributed system

Reference to

  • Book