A web app for viewing and reviewing benches, centered in San Francisco.
Live Demo: http://bench-bnb-by-rupa.herokuapp.com/#/
- User authentication
- Review existing benches
- Add new benches by clicking the map
- Sort and filter benches
- Rails 5.2.3
- Ruby 2.5.1
- AWS (for image storage)
- Webpack
- React
- Redux
For a full list, check package.json and Gemfile.
Run the following commands to install Ruby/Rails/React dependencies and to set up the database:
- bundle install
- bundle exec rails db:create
- bundle exec rails db:migrate
- bundle exec rails db:seed (Seed file may not be up to date with current schema!)
- npm install
Add the following to your Rails credentials:
- google_maps_api_key: YOUR-API-KEY
- AWS credentials (set up your buckets first!!)
Run the following commands:
- npm run webpack
- rails s
Navigate to localhost:3000/