A custom terraform provider that can be used to do complex validation during planning and validation
If you want to use the script directly from this repo:
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rhythmictech/terraform-provider-errorcheck/master/update-provider.sh | bash
Otherwise you can download update-provider.sh
and run it locally
locals {
compare = "success"
testSuccess = "success"
testFail = "fail"
resource "errorcheck_is_valid" "shouldMatch" {
name = "check_something"
test = {
assert = local.compare == local.testSuccess
error_message = "Your assertion is not valid"
resource "errorcheck_is_valid" "Not_valid_if_not_match" {
name = "Should not match"
test = {
assert = local.compare == local.testFail
error_message = "Your assertion is not valid"
terraform validate .
Error: Your assertion is not valid
on main.tf line 11, in resource "errorcheck_is_valid" "Not_valid_if_not_match":
11: resource "errorcheck_is_valid" "Not_valid_if_not_match" {