Final project for High Performance and Parallel Computing (1TD064).
Parallel Sorting by Regular Sampling (PSRS) QuickSort algorithm implementation is a parallel implementation of the quicksort algorithm using OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) library. The quicksort algorithm is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that sorts an array by repeatedly partitioning the array around a pivot element, and recursively sorting the resulting sub-arrays. PSRS achieves better load balancing than other parallel QuickSort algorithms.
PSRS has four phases:
- Each process uses sequential quicksort on its local segment, and then selects data items at local indices 0, n/P 2 , 2n/P 2 , . . ., ( P − 1)(n/P2) as a regular sample of its locally sorted block
- One process gathers and sorts the local regular samples. The process then selects P − 1 pivot values from the sorted list of regular smaples. The P − 1 pivot values are broadcast. Each process then partitions its sorted sublist into P disjoint pieces accordingly.
- Each process
i keeps its
ith partition and sends the
jth partition
to process
j, for all
$\neq$ i - Each process merges its P partitions into a single list
Figure 14.5 from Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP