JSON I/O is a Java library providing common JSON I/O utilities to preserve UTF-8 encoding.
It includes utilities such as converting input streams to UTF-8 JSON objects, converting a JSON file to a UTF-8 JSON object and outputting a JSON object to a UTF-8 file.
To fully support UTF-8, you need to run your Java app in UTF-8 mode.
Simply supply the following command line parameter:-Dfile.encoding=UTF8
The library is available on JCenter. The latest version is 1.2.0
with the latest version.
Gradle Setup
implementation 'uk.co.hassieswift621.libraries:json-io:{LATEST_VERSION}
Maven Setup
Converting an input stream to UTF-8 JSON
try {
JSONObject json = JsonIO.toJson(inputStream);
} catch (JsonIOException e) {}
** Converting an input stream to UTF-8 JSON array**
try {
JSONArray jsonArray = JsonIO.toJsonArray(inputStream);
} catch (JsonIOException e) {}
Converting a file to UTF-8 JSON
try {
JSONObject json = JsonIO.toJson(new File("sample_json.json"));
} catch (JsonIOException e) {}
Converting a string to UTF-8 JSON
try {
JSONObject json = JsonIO.toJson("{"text": "Some text"}");
} catch (JsonIOException e) {}
Converting JSON to file
JSONObject json = some JSON;
try {
JsonIO.toFile(json, new File("output.json"));
} catch (JsonIOException e) {}
Converting JSON to file (append to a file)
JSONObject json = some JSON;
try {
JsonIO.toFile(json, new File("output.json"), true);
catch (JsonIOException e) {}
Converting JSON to a UTF-8 string
JSONObject json = some JSON;
try {
String jsonString = JsonIO.toString(json);
} catch (JsonIOException e) {}
Copyright ©2018 HassieSwift621.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.