- It's a Onchain Game in which your lens State acts as your score.
- A game of Stat vs Stat for 2 Lens profiles to compete with the stat total they have on their Lens profile
- Your total score depends on :
- Your Posts
- Your Following
- Your Followers
- We are fetching above data from a Lens oracle deployed on Phala Network.
- A consumer contract is deployed on Polygon-Mumbai to fetch data from Lens Oracle(https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0x7cB6d43f344245BF480C4a931894cc4e68834795) .
- If your score is greater , you win.
The winner's score is updated in a Unique Nft with onChain Score ,and everytime a user wins,the score is updated .
Collection : https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/token/0x16cb27eb3b6e2c3da78e08f54f41b329a6c0b1f3
The oponent is selected randomly .
This is a RainbowKit + wagmi + Next.js project bootstrapped with create-rainbowkit
First, Install packages:
npm install
run server :
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.