This repository contains questions and answers to help you prepare for Apigee interview. The questions cover a wide range of topics related to Apigee, including policies, API management, authentication, and more.
The repository is organized into different sections based on the topics covered. Each section contains a list of questions along with their corresponding answers.
Here's an overview of the topics covered in this repository:
- Policy Management
- API Proxy Development
- Authentication and Authorization
- Traffic Management
- Monitoring and Analytics
- Security Best Practices
Feel free to explore the questions and answers in each section. You can use them to review key concepts, test your knowledge, or prepare for interviews. Additionally, you can contribute by adding new questions or improving existing answers.
If you'd like to contribute to this repository, please follow these guidelines:
- Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
- Make your changes or additions.
- Submit a pull request describing your changes.
Please ensure that your contributions adhere to the overall structure and formatting of the repository.
> if two interviewer in meeting try to focus at centre of the screeen,
> sit upright | Dress Appropriately
> everyday half an hour revision of previous day interview learnings. you can record answers while revising and listen them. else
> before interview own voice 7days recording and listening practice (at the end you will see singificant difference in communication),
> think answer's proper format in mind then answer | if the questions already learnt you can directly answer
> something not clear then ask questions to interviwer
> technical rounds-speak slowly & HR rounds- speak harshly
> dont think much about inverviews just appear it as a process.
> Review the Job Description properly. Tailor your responses to that align with the job description.
> dont under-estimate Preparing responses to common interview questions related to your field, such as your strengths and weaknesses, previous experiences, and why you're interested in the role. keep stories ready from past experiences(it build confidence in your responses).
> Research about the Company[linked in, Compnay portal & glassdoor reviews]
> frame responses using STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result)
> half an hour before start making interview setup ready.
[settings like backgroud blour, headphone change, ensure device fully charged, keep charger connected to laptop, keep backup Network ready in case of Network issue, ensure tools(Google Meet/ Zoom whichever is working on your device}
> on the day of interview follow normal schedule, never revise or learn. consider it as a process just like you do your daily tasks.
> Stay Calm and Be Yourself: Lastly, remember to stay calm, trust in your abilities and remember your past best winnings.
> Lastly All The best! I believe if you are here you will definately crack it.
Special thanks to all contributors who have helped improve this repository.