This repo contains my coding exercise solutions and final project for section 7 ("Ethereum smart contract development using Solidity") and my coding exercise solutions for section 8 ("Smart contract design patterns") of the Udemy class "Ethereum: Decentralized Application Design and Development" (
The coding exercises consist of smart contracts written in Solidity and associated Truffle JavaScript tests. The Truffle tests have all been successfully run (i.e. tests complete and pass) via Truffle 3.4.7 and TestRPC.
The final project consists of 1 smart contract file, 1 JavaScript file (containing the Web3 calls and supporting code for interacting with the contract and updating the UI), 1 HTML file, and 1 CSS file. I've tested the smart contract both by deploying it via Remix and Web3 and interacting with it via the web UI. I deployed the web UI portion of the project locally using NodeJS, Yeoman, the Yeoman WebApp generator, Gulp, and Bower.
As an aside, I highly recommend taking the Udemy class if you're interested in learning about Ethereum smart contract development.