This project was designed to draw insights into hesistant attitudes towards Covid-19 vaccination. Corrrelational analysis was conducted between hesitancy data, reports of Covid-19 impacts, demographics, and political influences at state and county levels. Census Bureau datasets were gathered on the topic of Covid-19 impact, income loss during the pandemic, eviction or expecting eviction.
Code Files
- Data_Cleaning.Rmd
- Vaccine_Hesitancy_Analysis.Rmd
Final Reports
- PDF - Vac_Hes_Report
- html - Vaccine_Hesitancy_Report
Three datasets total were included for this project. Attitudes for hesitancy and distributions for race/ethinicity were gathered from the CDC. Data for 2020 election results were used as a proxy for party influence at the county and state levels. This dataset was sourced from Variables for delayed medical care, expected eviction, eviction, lost income, and expected income loss were sourced from the Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey After some initial analysis, the final combined dataset for correlation was aggregated at the state level including the following variables.