This is a draft for an RESTful API for prosopographical data.
It should allow you to search for factoid modeled data on persons extracted from historical sources, and to update resources based on the model. With "factoid" model we refer to Bradley/Short 2005. See for an ontology of the factoid model:
Initiated by Georg Vogeler (Graz University,, but developed by the collective intelligence of the following persons:
- Gunter Vasold (Univ. Graz)
- Daniel Jeller (ICARus Vienna)
- Thomas Wallnig (Univ. Vienna)
- Matthew Wilcoxson (Univ. Oxford)
- Matthias Schlögl (ÖAW)
- Miguel Vieira (King's Digital Lab London)
- John Bradley (London)
- Francesco Beretta (LARHRA, Lyon)
- Rainer Simon (AIT Vienna)
- Stefan Eichert (ÖAW Vienna)
- Bärbel Kröger (Germania Sacra, Göttingen)
- Christian Popp (Germania Sacra, Göttingen)
- Vincent Cheng (Czech Academy)
- Dagmar Mrozik
- James Kelly (University of Durham)
- Nada Zečević
- Ekaterini Mitsiou (Univ. Vienna)
- P. Alkuin Schachenmayr OCist (Stift Heiligenkreuz)
- Stephan Makowksi (CCeH Köln)
- Hedvika Kuchařová, Jana Borovičková (Prague)
- Irene Rabl
- Katja Almberger
- (tbc)
Started in 2016 in a workshop at Vienna University. Substantially enhanced during the prosopography hackathon 2019 February (Vienna).
The major file in this is the swagger description of the proposed API (prosopogrAPhI.yaml). The gives you some background to it.
See Vogeler, Georg; Vasold, Gunter; Schlögl, Matthias. Von IIIF zu IPIF? Ein Vorschlag für den Datenaustausch über Personen. In: Sahle, Patrick (Hg.): DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedial & multimodal. Konferenzabstracts. Frankfurt / Mainz. DHd. 2019 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2600812. pp. 239-241. (Slides of the presentation)