Https detect Mixed Content with http resources. This tool will detect with chrome-headless browser + selenium.
Please pass sitemap.xml url to check around all your url entries.
You can run by directly w/dotnet-sdk or docker.
cd csharp
dotnet clean
dotnet build
dotnet MixedContentCheker
run docker w/powershell.
cd csharp
docker build -t mixedcontentchecker .
docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,source="$($pwd.Path)/logs",target=/app/logs -e SITE_MAP_URL= mixedcontentchecker
run docker w/bash.
cd csharp
docker build -t mixedcontentchecker .
docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,source="${pwd}/logs",target=/app/logs -e SITE_MAP_URL= mixedcontentchecker
Download Selenium Webdriver, chrcome-driver and google-chrome.
cd powershell
pwsh -File ./Get-MixedContent.ps1 -Url
You can run with docker.
cd powershell
docker build -t mixedcontentchecker_ps .
docker run -it --rm -e SITE_MAP_URL= mixedcontentchecker_ps
You can ignore following error message on windows.
[0109/] Lost UI shared context.