Some tools to monitor isc dhcp-server
file | description |
dhcp-icinga | check for icinga / nagios. |
dhcp-influx | store the dhcp statistics in influxdb for use with grafana. |
dhcp-munin | output the statistics to munin. |
dhcp-parser.php | parser of the dhcp.conf / dhcp.leases files. |
dhcp-tools.conf.sample | sample configfile, should be put in /etc |
Just use it as a regular check for icinga, or nagios. It will report the shared-networks wich are over the warning, or error threshold as configured in the configfile.
It will parse the dhcp files and outputs the statistics to the influx server which is configured in the configfile. It can be run from a cronjob.
Create a symlink to dhcp-munin in /etc/munin/plugins and restart munin-node. If all works well it should creates a graph like this:
The tools will look for /etc/dhcp-tools.conf, if not found it will use the default settings.