Simple web tool to transform Webling export data into print-ready data for mailings. Generates
- address line 1
- address line 2
- greeting formal
- greeting informal
- reference number (optional)
while respecting the user's language, and coping with missing data.
- Install node 18
- Install yarn
- Run
yarn install
to fetch all dependencies - Start dev server:
yarn run dev
This is a simple React single-page app written in Typescript and built with Vite. It uses no backend, no SSR etc. Just a plain simple single-page app.
- SheetJS for excel file processing react-dropzone for drag-and-drop file
- iban for IBAN validation
- i18next and i18next-browser-languageDetector for localization.
And of course React, Vite and Typescript 😅
# 0. Remove old build folder
rm -rf dist
# 1. Build the application
yarn run build
# 2. Copy the build folder to the server
rsync -avz --delete dist/ root@server:/var/www/html