SocketSharp is wrapper library for System.Net.Sockets.Socket. It provides abstraction layer over Socket class, so underlying implementation could be any type of connection (TCP, UDP etc.)
Fast - It leverages from socket's native asynchronous api, which makes duplex communication fast with minimum overhead from wrapper class.
Easy to Use - Sockets abstracted with IChannel interface, with clear-to-understand api.
Extensible - Abstraction makes it possible to use any type of connection by switching the implementaion of IChannel interface.
Request/Response - Use this pattern, if you want to receive response immediately. Just await async request.
Robust - Retries to connect, if connection was shut down unexpectedly. If connection broke while sending message, it will try to reconnect and resend message.
Package is available in NuGet repository:
PM> Install-Package SocketSharp -Version 1.1.0
//Create server object.
var server = new TCPServer();
//set event handler on inbound connection. Input parameter is IChannel
server.OnInboundConnection += channel=>
channel.OnReceive += OnChannelReceive;
channel.OnConnectionException += OnChannelConnectionException;
//Start the server (not blocking)
using (var con = new TCPConnection("", 49999))
con.OnConnected += OnConnected;
// Set handler to receive messages asynchronously.
con.OnReceive += OnReceive;
con.OnConnectionException += OnConnectionException;
//Connect to the server
await con.ConnectAsync();
//send message
await con.SendAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
private static void OnReceive(byte[] data)
There is possibility to make remote calls using Request/Response pattern over sockets by accessing TCPRequest's RequestAsync(byte[] data) method:
using (var request = new TCPRequest("", 49999))
var message = Console.ReadLine();
byte[] response=await request.RequestAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
Only TCP implementation is available until now.