Human Services Data Specification defines content that provides the minimum set of data for Information and Referral (I&R) applications as well as specialized service directory applications. Read the spec here.
The specification is written in extended markdown and rendered by Github. If you are familiar with git, please feel free to fork this repo and send pull requests to update the specification.
If you're not familiar with git, there are number of guides. Here's a one of them
Note: the following requires that nodejs is installed, follow the node installation instructions for your system if needed.
To generate a PDF file of the current specification, perform the following from the terminal:
- Clone the project with
git clone ~/OpenReferral
- Move into the directory with
cd ~/OpenReferral
- Install node modules with
npm install
- Generate a PDF with
grunt pdf
The PDF will appear in ~/OpenReferral/pdf/openreferral-[commit ID].pdf
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Creative Commons License.
We highly encourage you to use the same license for your data.