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Inactive Mode Automation

When all of sudden you fell asleep while coding or watching a movie on linux laptop. Have you ever bothered about your system, if in case it may drain your battery, or else misconfigured because of your sleeping activity. Or else when you don't predict the specific time to issue a shutdown command on time basis for CLI (Command Line Interface).

Here is the Linux script package to help you! It takes your prefered arguments such as Mode , Inactivity period in minutes and Battery Percentage in Numerical, based on these values of Inactivity period in minutes and Battery Percentage in Numericalmode of operation is done which ever [among both the] satisfies earlier.


  • This script can automatically perform the following activities after a period of Physical Inactivity(such as Keyboard and Mouse) or/and below the Battery Percentage.

    Mode About mode
    haltmode Halts the system.
    poweroffmode Powers off the system.
    rebootmode Restarts the system.
    suspendmode Suspends the system.
    hibernatemode Hibernates the system.
    hybrid-sleepmode Hibernates and suspends the system.

Global Installation : [Linux System wide access]

For Debian based systems such as Debian and Ubuntu

   git clone  #This repository
   cd inactivekm/
   run ./ #To install it throughout system wide.


Usage :

 inactivity [mode] [Time_In_Minutes] [Battery_Percentage]    

For more details,See for its More detailed use and example .

Normal Installation : [Specific to current directory]

       git clone  #This repository
       cd inactivekm/


Usage :

      ./ [mode] [Time_In_Minutes] [Battery_Percentage] 

Then within the same directory, See for its More detailed use and example

More Detailed Use :

Supported System Action (mode) : haltmode, poweroffmode, rebootmode, suspendmode, hibernatemode, hybrid-sleepmode.

Suppoted System Action in (time) in minutes : numerical

Supported System Action in (Battery) Level : 1 to 100 values

Example usage::

 Command suspendmode 60 30
 # Command = ./ , for Normal [local] install relative to specific current directory
 # Command = inactive ,for global installation.

** System suspends after 60 minutes or when below 30 % of battery level, or which ever comes earlier when Keyboard/mouse is inactivite.