npm i templated-folder-generator -g
or locally
npm i templated-folder-generator -D
and use it with npm scripts
"tfg": "tfg"
npm run tfg -- g default-react-class
or npx
npx tfg g default-react-class
The generator comes with 2 react component templates. I will be using it for quickstart examples.
cd path/to/target/folder
tfg g <templateName>
tfg g <templateName> <path/to/target/folder>
cd src/my-react-component
tfg g default-react-class
tfg g default-react-class path/to/my/new/react/component/directory
tfg g default-react-class -n super-cool-component
- create a folder with the below structure within your project
├── package.json
├── templates
│ ├── my-less-template
│ │ ├── {{filename}}.js
│ │ ├── {{filename}}.less
│ ├── my-scss-template
│ │ ├── {{filename}}.js
│ │ ├── {{filename}}.scss
- Execute below commands to generate from your custom template
cd path/to/my/scss/folder
tfg g my-scss-template -p <absolute or relative path to /templates | relative path to /templates from project root containing package.json>
cd path/to/my/scss/folder
tfg g my-scss-template -p ./templates
You can also use Environment Variable TEMPLATE_PATH
to specify default path to search for the template and can be used in your package.json
"scripts": {
"gen": "TEMPLATE_PATH=templates tfg g"
then use it like:
npm run gen -- my-scss-template
Please Refer to Template Creation for how to create templates
tfg t
tfg t -p path/to/my/custom/template/folder
tfg g my-template -d
please refer to user defined context section
please refer to User Defined File Type Mapping
Usage: tfg [options] [command]
-v, --version output the version number
-p, --path <templatePath> custom template folder path
-n, --name <name> change the name of the component (default is based on dest dir name)
-c, --context <context> pass in a file path to a js file containing an export of a context builder callback
-f, --filetypemap <map> give a filetype map to change the file types of templates
-x, --prefix <name> add prefix to component file name
-X, --postfix <name> add postfix to component file name
-d, --dryrun dry run
-h, --help output usage information
generate|g [template] [dest]
tfg uses handlebars.js syntax.
import * as React from 'react';
import './index.less';
class {{}} extends React.Component{
return (
<div className="{{}}">
Suppose you have a template:
function Person(){ = "{{}}";
this.age = {{person.age}};
you can create a custom context file:
// context.js
module.exports = function initContext({componentName, filename, dirName}) {
return {
name: 'Bob',
age: '40'
then import it like so:
tfg g my-template -c [relative|absolute path to context.js]
this will generate:
function Person(){ = "Bob";
this.age = 40;
tfg comes with a default set of context. Based either by the current working directory name (process.cwd()) or given -n --name argument
suppose the user is in /Desktop/myProject/myComponent. But the user gave a name arg -n myCoolComponent
. The context will be as follows:
const context = {
component: {
name: {
original: 'myCoolComponent',
hypen: 'my-cool-component',
snakeCase: 'my_cool_component',
lowerCasedSnakeCase: 'my_cool_component',
camelCase: 'myCoolComponent',
capitalizedCamelCase: 'MyCoolComponent',
lowerCase: 'mycoolcomponent'
filename: 'index',
dirName: 'myComponent',
Suppose you had a template like below:
├── package.json
├── templates
│ ├── my-react-component
│ │ ├── {{filename}}.js
but I want to change file extension from .js
to .jsx
you can do this:
tfg g my-template -f '{"js":"jsx"}'
# will output my-react-component.jsx
Please note to not include the '.' and put single quotes around the json string and double quotes on field names
tfg g default-react-class -n super-cool-component
# super-cool-component.js
tfg g default-react-class -x my-
# my-super-cool-component.js
tfg g default-react-class -X .test
# my-super-cool-component.test.js
dry run will not output files but give you a stdout output of the compiled template
tfg g default-react-class g -d
[Dry run] will generate file to path: /absolute/path/to/target/folder
================== SOF ==========================
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './index.css'
export default Test extends Component{
static defaultProps = {
state = {
return true;
return true;
return (
<div className="test">
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