Cryptography library with support of MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA256224, SHA512, SHA512224, SHA512256, SHA384, SHA3224, SHA3256, SHA3384, SHA3512, KECCAK256 and KECCAK512 algorithms.
Caution: This function generate panic if key is empty!
import ""
crp := crypto.NewCryptography("my-secret-key")
Crypto driver use HashAlgo
type for algorithm params. this type can parsed from string or predefined constant.
import ""
var a crypto.HashAlgo
// Or Set Manually
a = crypto.MD5
Crypto interface contains following methods:
Make hash for data.
// Signature:
Hash(data string, algo HashAlgo) (string, error)
// Example:
import ""
h, err := crp.Hash("my data", crypto.MD5)
Make hashed filename based on current timestamp.
// Signature:
HashFilename(filename string, algo HashAlgo) (string, error)
// Example:
import ""
h, err := crp.HashFilename("myfile.jpg", crypto.MD5) // => a1469c8565fc80b55220324eb3056d3e.jpg
Get hash size for algorithm. return -1 if invalid algo passed or on error.
// Signature:
HashSize(algo HashAlgo) int
// Example:
import ""
size := crp.HashSize(crypto.MD5) // => 16
Check data against hash.
// Signature:
Check(data string, hash string, algo HashAlgo) (bool, error)
// Example:
import ""
ok, err := crp.Check("my-password", "a1469c8565fc80b55220324eb3056d3e", crypto.MD5)
Encrypt data.
Note: This function returns raw byte array, if you need string version of encrypted data use EncryptHEX
or EncryptBase64
// Signature:
Encrypt(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
// Example:
data, err := crp.Encrypt([]byte("my data to enc"))
Decrypt data.
Note: This function accept raw byte array as input. if you need to decrypt Hex or Base64 encoded data use DecryptHex
or DecryptBase64
// Signature:
Decrypt(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
// Example:
data, err := crp.Decrypt(dataBytes)
Encrypt data and return encrypted value as hex encoded string.
// Signature:
EncryptHEX(data []byte) (string, error)
// Example:
data, err := crp.EncryptHEX([]byte("my data"))
Decrypt data from hex encoded string.
// Signature:
DecryptHex(hexString string) ([]byte, error)
// Example:
res, err := crp.DecryptHex(encHexData)
Encrypt data and return encrypted value as base64 encoded string.
// Signature:
EncryptBase64(data []byte) (string, error)
// Example:
data, err := crp.EncryptBase64([]byte("my data"))
Decrypt data from base64 encoded string.
// Signature:
DecryptBase64(base64String string) ([]byte, error)
// Example
res, err := crp.DecryptBase64(encBase64Data)