This Visual Studio Extension adds syntax & keyword higlighting to Visual Studio versions 2015, 2017, and 2019. There is no notion of a "Verilog Project" or any other capabilities such as compiling or uploading to a device at this time.
On a Windows 10 machine to create FPGA binaries, consider using the yoysys/nextpnr toolchain. I have a gist for the ULX3S as well as one for the TinyFPGA in WSL that may be useful in installing these along with all the respective dependencies.
Each keyword can be individually colorized. See
File - Options - Environment - Fonts and Colors
Line and block comments are colorization.
Verilog keywords have hover text documentation.
Variables have hover text to indicate declaration, or lack thereof. Module declaration is also noted as appropriate.
As of version 0.2x there are different default colors depending on dark or light theme. See
bool IsDarkTheme()
Multi-colored brackets, depending on nested depth. See Fonts and Colors - Display Items
Verilog - Bracket Depth [n]
These file extensions should activate this extension:
See the line in the VerilogClassifer to add more file types:
[FileExtension(".v;.verilog;.vh")] // semi-colon delimited file extensions
The easiest way to install the release version is to use the Visual Studio Extensions - Manages Extensions
Type the search word FPGA
or VerilogLanguage
to find the extension in the Online downloads.
The VSIX file can also be downloaded manually from the Visual Studio Marketplace web site:
Note: previously it was recommended to use VSIXInstaller.exe
, typically in .\Common7\IDE\
; DON'T DO THIS, Instead use
the "Mcirosoft Visual Stuodio Version Selector": VSLauncher.exe
cd \workspace
git clone
cd VerilogLanguageExtension
msbuild VerilogLanguage.csproj
"%ProgramFiles% (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSEnv\VSLauncher.exe" C:\workspace\VerilogLanguageExtension\bin\Release\VerilogLanguage.vsix
As noted above, use the "Mcirosoft Visual Stuodio Version Selector" and NOT the "VSIX Installer" (counter-intutiive, I know)
See releases directory for prior versions.
Use either Extensions - Manage Extensions, or this command-line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\VSIXInstaller.exe" /uninstall:CF0DCF14-5B8F-4B42-8386-9D37BB99F98E
Open the project and press F5
to launch an experimental version of Visual Studio.
Set your own preferred colors in Tools - Options - Fonts and Colors:
To make modifications, the Visual Studio Extension Development Workload Toolset needs to be installed.
It is usually best to completely remove the existing extension when doing development and increment the version number.
I have no hard evidence for this other than experience with odd, unexplained errors, often involving VsTextBoxStyleKey
and not in this extension code:
Message=Provide value on 'System.Windows.Markup.StaticResourceHolder' threw an exception.
at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, IXamlObjectWriterFactory writerFactory, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlObjectWriterSettings settings, Uri baseUri)
Inner Exception 1:
Exception: Cannot find resource named 'VsTextBoxStyleKey'. Resource names are case sensitive.
This error appears at experimental instance launch time, well before even loading a Verilog .v
Further, this problem appears to be specific to Visual Studio 2019 and only appears when debugging an extension a second time. :/
Exiting Visual Studio and debugging the project fresh does not cause this error in the experimental instance.
This appeared to be problematic in both debug
and release
The error occured on October 6 for Visual Studio 16.2.0 updated on July 28, 2019 (all recent Windows updates applied).
The error was not previously observed when developing and debugging this solution.
Edit the version in two places: source.extension.vsixmanifest and Properties - AssemblyInfo.cs.
When clicking on a single word, Visual Studio highlights all the matching words. This higlight happens in HighlightWordFormatDefinition.
See also the EditorFormatDefinition Class
Add a public enum VerilogTokenTypes
value (there can be more items listed here than actually implemented) in VerilogTokenTypes.cs:
Add a declaration in ClassificationType.cs
/// <summary>
/// Defines the "Verilog_begin" classification type.
/// </summary>
internal static ClassificationTypeDefinition Verilog_begin = null;
Add a ClassificationFormat.cs
[ClassificationType(ClassificationTypeNames = "begin")]
//this should be visible to the end user
[UserVisible(true)] // sets this editor format definition visible for the user (in Tools>Options>Environment>Fonts and Colors>Text Editor
//set the priority to be after the default classifiers
[Order(Before = Priority.Default)]
internal sealed class Verilog_begin : ClassificationFormatDefinition
/// <summary>
/// Defines the visual format for the "begin" classification type
/// </summary>
public Verilog_begin()
DisplayName = "begin"; //human readable version of the name
ForegroundColor = Colors.BlueViolet;
add a VerilogTokenTagger in VerilogGlobals.cs
["begin"] = VerilogTokenTypes.Verilog_begin;
Add internal VerilogClassifier
entry in VerilogClassifier.cs
_VerilogTypes[VerilogTokenTypes.Verilog_begin] = typeService.GetClassificationType("begin");
Optional: add List<Completion> completions = new List<Completion>()
item for AugmentCompletionSession
in CompletionSource.cs
new Completion("begin"),
Optional: add AugmentQuickInfoSession
section in VerilogQuickInfoSource.cs
else if (curTag.Tag.type == VerilogTokenTypes.Verilog_begin)
var tagSpan = curTag.Span.GetSpans(_buffer).First();
applicableToSpan = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(tagSpan, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);
quickInfoContent.Add("Question Begin?");
Similar to keywords, declared variables of type input
, output
, inout
, wire
, reg
, and parameter
are colorized when the definitions are found.
Otherwise they will appear in plain text white. See BuildHoverItems(string s)
for the state machine logic that parses the data looking
for variables. Note that the text sent is assumed to be already split and de-commented. See LineParse(string theLine, int theLineNumber)
From Microsoft System.Windows.Media.Colors Class
Although the executable extension should work for version of Visual Studio as far back as 2015, this solution was developed in Visual Studio 2019. Some features may be missing in prior versions, so it is recommended that any code changes be made in Visual Studio 2019.
If this error is encountered in Visual Studio 2019 when attempting to F5/Debug:
Try opening the project file rather than the solution.
If the extension is installed, but syntax is not highlighted, ensure the file ends with ".v" and that the extension is enabled:
If you see an error regarding "This extension is not installable on any currently installed products" like this:
And the install log looks like this:
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - -------------------------------------------
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Initializing Install...
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Extension Details...
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Identifier : CF0DCF14-5B8F-4B42-8386-9D37BB99F98E
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Name : VerilogLanguage
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Author : gojimmypi
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Version : 0.1.4
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Description : Verilog Keyword highlighting for Visual Studio. Sample classifier extension to the Visual Studio Editor. Implements the Verilog Language Extension.
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Locale : en-US
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - MoreInfoURL :
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - InstalledByMSI : False
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.5]
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM -
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Supported Products :
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Version : [14.0,17.0)
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM -
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - References :
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM -
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Searching for applicable products...
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Found installed product - Global Location
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Found installed product - AtmelStudio
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - Found installed product - ssms
7/28/2019 8:52:20 AM - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall(Boolean isRepairSupported)
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
Notice how it appears no versions of Visual Studio are installed. Check the process that is running:
Right click and select Properties
or Open File Location
. If it openes to something older than
Microsoft Visual Studio 15.0
(VS 2017) or Microsoft Visual Studio 16.0
(VS 2019). This VSIX extension
must be opened with the Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 installer.
This behaviour was observed after a Windows update, where Windows chose to open VSIX files with the installer in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE
As shown here:
If this is the case, try right-clicking on the VSIX installer file and select Open With...
and then Choose another app
Find the specfic installer directory desired, or this VSLauncher.exe
default also seems to work:
From VSIX Manifest Designer:
Visual Studio Product | Version |
Visual Studio 2019 | 16.0 |
Visual Studio 2017 | 15.0 |
Visual Studio 2015 | 14.0 |
Visual Studio 2013 | 12.0 |
[ – minimum version inclusive.
] – maximum version inclusive.
( – minimum version exclusive.
) – maximum version exclusive.
Include files are not searched
No ability to program devices
No linting / syntax validation
No ability to import / export color settings
V3S V3S - VHDL, Verilog, SystemVerilog for VS2015; Free time-limited trial, $40 and up to purchase.
SystemVerilog - Language Support VS Code Language support for Verilog / SystemVerilog (not Visual Studio)
Verilog HDL/SystemVerilog Verilog HDL support for VS Code (not Visual Studio)
Visual Studio Extensibility: Creating Visual Studio VSIX package extension
ITextViewLine Interface - important for positioning
CodeProject - Extending Visual Studio to Provide a Colorful Language Editor
Michael's Coding Spot - Visual Studio 2017 Extension development tutorial
asic-world - Verilog
asic-world - VHDL
- stackoverflow: Echos from Post-Build events are only shown after build is complete
- .net Process.WaitForExit inconsistent behavior re: process tree?
- Configuring Message Logging
- 2019-06-22 v0.1.5 square bracket and content colorization; detect light/dark theme; colorize non-synthesizable keywords; hover text; new extensions
- 2019-06-17 v0.1.4 compiled in Visual Studio 2019 instead of 2017, needed to bump version as "updates" didn't seem to see the 4th segment version change
- 2019-06-16 v0.1.3 disable code in HighlightWordFormatDefinition to use Visual Studio default selected word higlighting.
- 2019-06-16 v0.1.2 fixes some syntax delimiter highlighting issues in comments.
- 2019-04-23 v0.1.1 support for VS2019, remove extraneous autocomplete
- 2019-04-21 v0.1 initial code release