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A fluent networking library build on top of lidgren network.


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A fluent networking library build on top of lidgren network. Ginet extends lidgren network with a fluent and functional API.

Quick start

Ginet is available as a NuGet package. You can install it using the NuGet Package Console window:

PM> Install-Package Ginet

Ginet favors message exchange. All classes that are handled via the INetworkManager must be marked with the GinetPackageAttribute. Ginet inferres messages by adding a unique byte id.

The classes must be marked as public with public getters / setters and contain only primitive types. The client and server registered packages should be the same. For complex serialization you can provide your custom serializer via attribute.

          public class MyPackage
             public string Message { get; set; }
          public class ConnectionApprovalMessage
             public string Sender { get; set; }
             public string Password { get; set; }

A simple client-server chat example here.


Create, configure and register the classes that are marked with the GinetPackage attribute

          var server = new NetworkServer("MyServer",
                    builder =>
                        //via reflection
                        //or manually
                    cfg =>
                       cfg.Port = 1234;
                       cfg.ConnectionTimeout = 5.0f;
                       //Additional configuration

Start the server

          server.Start(NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, channel: 0);

Process Incoming Messages in a separate thread


If you have an update loop you can await the message processing in an async method

        await server.ProcessMessages()

Configure how to respond to incoming packages

          server.Broadcast<ChatMessage>((msg, im, om) =>
              server.Out.Info($"Received {msg.Message}");
              server.SendToAllExcept(om, im.SenderConnection, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, channel: 0);
          packageTransformer: msg => 
              msg.Message += "this is broadcasted");
          server.BroadcastExceptSender<ChatMessage>((sender, msg) =>
              server.Out.Info($"Broadcasting {msg.Message}. Received from: {sender}");

Configure context specific behavior with the NetIncomingMessageType and NetConnectionStatus enums

        server.IncomingMessageHandler.OnMessage(NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval, incomingMsg =>
           //Configure connection approval
           var parsedMsg = server.ReadAs<ConnectionApprovalMessage>(incomingMsg);
           if(parsedMsg.Password == "my secret and encrypted password")
                incomingMsg.SenderConnection.Tag = parsedMsg.Sender;
         server.IncomingMessageHandler.OnConnectionChange(NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected, incomingMsg =>
                     server.ConvertToOutgoingMessage(new MyPackage
                     { Message = $"Disconnected {incomingMsg.SenderConnection}" }),
                     channel: 0);
         server.IncomingMessageHandler.OnConnection(server.Host.Connections.First(), (msgType, incomingMsg) =>

Upon adding a handler, an IDisposable object is returned. Disposing it causes the handler deregistration.

        var handlerDisposable = server.IncomingMessageHandler.OnMessage(NetIncomingMessageType.Data, im => { });


Create, configure and register the classes that are marked with the GinetPackage attribute

         var client = new NetworkClient("Chat", 
                   cfg =>
                      //client configuration

Start / Connect

         client.Start(NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, channel: 0);
         client.Connect("localhost", 1234, new ConnectionApprovalMessage
             Sender = "Me",
             Password = "1234"

Process Incoming messages


Handle incoming messages

              .OnPackage<MyPackage>((msg, sender) => 
                  Console.WriteLine($"Received {msg.Message} from {sender.SenderConnection}"));

Send a message

       client.Send(new MyPackage { Message = "Hello" },
                  (om,peer) => peer.SendMessage(om,NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered));

Create a message sender lifter

       IPackageSender packageSender = client.LiftSender((msg, peer) =>
              peer.SendMessage(msg, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered));
       packageSender.Send(new MyPackage { Message = "Hello" });


For custom logging targets implement the IAppender interface and pass it in the client , server creation

          var server = new NetworkServer(
          cfg => {},
          output: new MyAppenderImplementation());

The default IAppender uses the Console.WriteLine in the ActionAppender constructor.

          var server = new NetworkServer(
          cfg => {},
          output: new ActionAppender(Console.WriteLine));

Custom serializers

For custom encoding / decoding for a type, simply implement the IPackageSerializer interface add the PackageSerializerAttribute to the class

       public class MyPackage
          public string Message { get; set; }

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