Although the respository might contain more templates in the future, currently it just contains my main typesetting template for Typst that I use for Theory of Computing and similar proof-based math classes.
In general/
you can find the general dynamic typst template I've created and used for most of my assignments.
View on Typst here for most up-to-date version.
- When you first use it/download it, go to
and personalize the dictionary information at the top. It will look something like the following. Everything is dynamically updated fromutils.typ
, so if something is not updating like you might want it to, you need to change a setting.#let ddata = ( hw_num: "##", // int, insert HW number (i.e. for HW1 -> 01) due_date: datetime(year: 2024, month: 4, day: 5), // Due Date author: "First Last", // Author fullname net_id: "netid", // Your netid (i.e. jshmoe2) outline: false, // Print table of contents? (true | false)... table of contents not working right now.. slug: "toc", // Class slug, toc = theory of computing cname: "Theory of Computing", // Full class name atype: "hw" // assignment type: hw, ps (problem set), etc )
- Every iteration of
keeps track of the problem numbering.- Likewise with
, but you can provide a custom lettering like this should you prefer:#subprob("a")
- Likewise with
- See custom functions below.
#proof(b: true)[ This will make a proof box with a border. Prefixed with "proof:" and suffixed with QED. If you dont want a border, simply omit the 'b: true' -> proof()[content]. ]
#cbox(b: true)[ Works exactly the same as '#proof', just doesn't have the proof items. ]
Appends a QED to the end, right aligned.
- [3/6/24] - Reworked headings, fixed outline issue