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(puppetlabsGH-168) Add acceptance tests
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This commit adds basic acceptance tests, using an emulated Language Client to
send messages to the Language Server under test. Currently only a single file
is tested.  Later commits will add testing when in a Module or Control Repo.
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glennsarti committed Mar 30, 2020
1 parent 922364b commit 07d4ff4
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ env:

# Acceptance tests.

# Ruby tasks (style). Puppet version is irrelevant
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10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions Rakefile
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Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,16 @@ require 'rubocop/rake_task' if rubocop_available
desc 'Run rspec tests for the Language Server with coloring.' do |t|
t.rspec_opts = %w[--color --format documentation --default-path spec/languageserver]
t.pattern = 'spec/languageserver'
t.pattern = ['spec/languageserver/unit/**/*_spec.rb', 'spec/languageserver/integration/**/*_spec.rb']

desc 'Run rspec tests for the Language Server with coloring.'
desc 'Run acceptance tests for the Language Server with coloring.' do |t|
t.rspec_opts = %w[--color --format documentation --default-path spec/languageserver]
t.pattern = ['spec/languageserver/acceptance/**/*_spec.rb']

desc 'Run rspec tests for the Language Server Sidecar with coloring.' do |t|
t.rspec_opts = %w[--color --format documentation --default-path spec/languageserver-sidecar]
t.pattern = 'spec/languageserver-sidecar'
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions appveyor.yml
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ environment:
RUBY_VER: 24-x64
RAKE_TASK: test_languageserver

# Acceptance tests.
RUBY_VER: 25-x64
RAKE_TASK: acceptance_languageserver

# Ruby tasks (style, build release archives)
- PUPPET_GEM_VERSION: "> 0.0" # Version is irrelevant
RUBY_VER: 25-x64
Expand Down
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions spec/languageserver/acceptance/end_to_end_spec.rb
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@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require 'spec_editor_client'
require 'open3'

# (X) = Tested
# ( ) or (?) = Not yet tested
# (-) = Will not test / Not applicable
# | Test in? |
# LSP Feature | Single File | Module | Control Repo |
# ---------------------------|-------------|--------|--------------|
# Initialization | X | ? | ? |
# Open a document | X | | |
# Diagnostics response | X | | |
# Hover (Class) | X | | |
# Puppet resource | X | | |
# Node graph preview | X | | |
# Completion (Typing) | X | - | - |
# Completion (Invoked) | X | - | - |
# Completion Resolution | X | - | - |
# Signature request | X | - | - |
# Format document | X | - | - |
# Format range | X | - | - |
# OnType Formatting | X | - | - |
# Document Symbols | X | - | - |
# Workspace Symbols | - | | |

describe 'End to End Testing' do
before(:each) do
@server_port = 8082 + Random.rand(1024)
@server_host = 'localhost'
@server_pid = -1

# Start the language server
server_entrypoint = File.join($root_dir,'puppet-languageserver')
puppet_settings = ['--vardir', File.join($fixtures_dir, 'cache'), '--confdir', File.join($fixtures_dir, 'confdir')].join(',')

cmd = [
cmd << "--debug=#{ENV['SPEC_LOG']}" unless ENV['SPEC_LOG'].nil?

@server_stdin, @server_stdout, @server_stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(*cmd)

@server_pid =
# Wait for something to be output from the Language Server. This indicates it's alive and ready for a connection
result =[@server_stdout], [], [], 30)
raise('Language Server did not start up in the required timespan') unless result

# Now connect to the Language Server
@client =, @server_port)
@client.debug = !ENV['SPEC_DEBUG'].nil?

after(:each) do
@client.close unless @client.nil? || @client.closed?
Process.kill("KILL", @server_pid) rescue true

def path_to_uri(path)

context 'Processing a single file' do
let(:workspace) { nil }
let(:manifest_file) { File.join($fixtures_dir, 'end_to_end_manifest.pp') }
let(:manifest_uri) { path_to_uri(manifest_file) }

it 'should act like a valid language server' do
# initialize_request
@client.send_data(@client.initialize_request(@client.next_seq_id, workspace))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Ensure required capabilites are enabled
expect(result['result']['capabilities']).to include(
'textDocumentSync' => 1,
'hoverProvider' => true,
'completionProvider' => {
'resolveProvider' => true,
'triggerCharacters' => ['>', '$', '[', '=']
'definitionProvider' => true,
'documentSymbolProvider' => true,
'workspaceSymbolProvider' => true,
'signatureHelpProvider' => {
'triggerCharacters' => ['(', ',']
'documentOnTypeFormattingProvider' => {
'firstTriggerCharacter' => '>' # Dynamic Registration is disabled in acceptance tests

# initialized event

# Send the client settings

# Wait for the language server to finish loading the Puppet information

# Open a document
@client.send_data(@client.did_open_notification(manifest_file, 1))
# Wait for a diagnostics response
expect(@client).to receive_notification_within_timeout(['textDocument/publishDiagnostics', 5])
result = @client.data_from_notification_name('textDocument/publishDiagnostics')
expect(result['params']['uri']).to match(/\/end_to_end_manifest.pp$/)
expect(result['params']['diagnostics']).not_to be_empty

# Get hover result from a built-in class (user)
@client.send_data(@client.hover_request(@client.next_seq_id, manifest_uri, 4, 5))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect something to be returned
expect(result['result']['contents']).not_to be_nil
expect(result['result']['contents']).not_to be_empty

# Puppet Resource request
@client.send_data(@client.puppet_getresource_request(@client.next_seq_id, 'user'))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 15])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect something to be returned
expect(result['result']['data']).not_to be_nil
expect(result['result']['data']).not_to be_empty

# Node Graph request
@client.send_data(@client.puppet_compilenodegraph_request(@client.next_seq_id, manifest_uri))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect something to be returned
expect(result['result']['edges']).to be_empty
expect(result['result']['vertices']).to include( { 'label' => 'User[bar]' } )

# Completion request (manual trigger) inside a class
@client.send_data(@client.completion_request(@client.next_seq_id, manifest_uri, 9, 0))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect something to be returned
expect(result['result']['items'].count).to be > 5
# Find the first resource completion item so we can resolve it next
completion_item = result['result']['items'].find { |item| item['data']['type'] == 'resource_type' }

# Completion Item Resolve request
@client.send_data(@client.completion_resolve_request(@client.next_seq_id, completion_item))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect the item to be resolved
expect(completion_item['documentation']).to be_nil
expect(result['result']['documentation']).not_to be_nil

# Autocomplete while typing
# Update the document
original_content = @client.document_content(manifest_file)
@client.send_data(@client.did_change_notification(manifest_file, original_content + "\n\n$foo = $facts[]\n"))
# Send a completion request for inside the brackets
@client.send_data(@client.completion_request(@client.next_seq_id, manifest_uri, 16, 14, LSP::CompletionTriggerKind::TRIGGERCHARACTER, '['))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect something about facts to be returned
expect(result['result']['items']).not_to be_nil
fact_item = result['result']['items'].find { |item| item['data']['type'] == 'variable_expr_fact' }
expect(fact_item).not_to be_nil
# Revert the document change
@client.send_data(@client.did_change_notification(manifest_file, original_content))
# Wait for a diagnostics response
expect(@client).to receive_notification_within_timeout(['textDocument/publishDiagnostics', 5])

# Get signature request for a built-in function (split)
@client.send_data(@client.signture_help_request(@client.next_seq_id, manifest_uri, 10, 25))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect something to be returned
expect(result['result']['signatures']).not_to be_nil
expect(result['result']['signatures']).not_to be_empty

# Document Formatting
@client.send_data(@client.formatting_request(@client.next_seq_id, manifest_uri))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect an error as we don't support it
expect(result['error']['code']).to eq(PuppetEditorServices::Protocol::JsonRPC::CODE_METHOD_NOT_FOUND)

# Range Formatting
@client.send_data(@client.range_formatting_request(@client.next_seq_id, manifest_uri, 4, 0, 8, 3))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect an error as we don't support it
expect(result['error']['code']).to eq(PuppetEditorServices::Protocol::JsonRPC::CODE_METHOD_NOT_FOUND)

# OnType Formatting
# Enable ontype formatting
@client.client_settings['puppet']['editorService']['formatOnType']['enable'] = true
# Wait for the settings to take effect
@client.send_data(@client.ontype_format_request(@client.next_seq_id, manifest_uri, 6, 22, '>'))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect something to be returned
expect(result['result']).not_to be_nil
# Disable ontype formatting
@client.client_settings['puppet']['editorService']['formatOnType']['enable'] = false
# Wait for the settings to take effect

# Document symbols
@client.send_data(@client.document_symbols_request(@client.next_seq_id, manifest_uri))
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect something to be returned
expect(result['result'].count).to be > 0

# Start shutdown process
expect(@client).to receive_message_with_request_id_within_timeout([@client.current_seq_id, 5])
result = @client.data_from_request_seq_id(@client.current_seq_id)
# Expect something to be returned
expect(result['result']).to be_nil

# Exit process
expect(@client).to close_within_timeout(5)

context 'Processing a Puppet module' do

context 'Processing a Control Repo' do
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions spec/languageserver/fixtures/end_to_end_manifest.pp
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

class end_to_end {
$foo = 'something'

user { "bar":
ensure => present,
auth_membership => minimum,
comment => 'A good comment',

$sig = split('something', 'pattern')

include end_to_end

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