Example configuration and code to consume Gjensidiges boligselgerforsikring API.
Main.kt contains code to execute the send egenerklaering step against Gjensidiges test environment. The tests provide a more complete example of api usage/flow, but the underlying api is mocked to make the tests pass.
Make sure the client id and client secret in TokenStorage.kt is changed to real values before running the example.
Open Main.kt in your favorite IDE and run the file. Depending on your editor you might have to install a kotlin/gradle plugin in order to run the file. For Intellij this comes out-of-the-box.
In your favorite shell/terminal, run:
./gradlew run
From the Windows Command Prompt, run:
gradlew.bat run
Note that these can be swapped out with ones own desired suite of technologies, the exception being OpenAPI, the essential part of this example documentation.
OpenAPI is a strict specification language for HTTP APIs. If an openapi document is provided both client and server code can be generated from it.
An unofficial, but widely adopted tool used to generate server and client code from openapi documents. Target languages are many, including kotlin, javascript, C#, and many more.
In this project it is part of the build, specifically in the 'openApiGenerate' gradle task. This build stage will generate the module 'no.gjensidige.bsf.api.client' which you can see is imported in Main.kt. The module contains the api client object as well as DTO classes.
For a full list of configuration options available for the kotlin generator used, see https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/generators/kotlin/
Gradle is a build automation tool. It provides a means to generate, compile and run the example code.
Kotlin is a multiparadigmal language that can used to build appliations on the JVM.
Ktor is a framework for building both server-side and client-side kotlin applications. Here it is used as the backbone for the client implementation.
Kotlinx Serialization is an official kotlin serialization library, and is used as the client serializer and deserializer.