Group # 27 Students: Giovanni Tangredi s276086 , Francesco Xia s276509
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This project has been written and tested for a Linux machine
Execute the following commands:
./bin/main <graph_file> <num_intervals> <query_file> [-l] [-q]
graph_file = relative or absolute path
n = number of intervals
query_file = relative or absolute path
-l = print generated labels to "test/output/labels_out.txt" (optional)
-q = print generated query results to "test/output/queries_out.txt" (optional)
NOTE: make sure TEST (constants.h) is set to 0 when running the program. Otherwise the generation of the intervals is not random.
To run the test suites:
make test_node
The other rules, related to testing, are: test_label, test_graph, test_query, test_bitmap
NOTE: make sure TEST (constants.h) is set to 1 when running test cases
├── bin
├── gen_query.c
├── include
│ ├── bitmap.h
│ ├── constants.h
│ ├── graph.h
│ ├── label.h
│ ├── menu.h
│ ├── query.h
│ └── time_tracker.h
├── makefile
├── src
│ ├── bitmap.c
│ ├── graph.c
│ ├── label.c
│ ├── main.c
│ ├── menu.c
│ ├── query.c
│ └── time_tracker.c
└── test
├── input
│ ├── grafo20.gra
│ ├── grafo20.png
│ ├── grafo20_25.que
│ └── grafo_con_rango.png
├── output
│ ├── labels_out.txt
│ └── queries_out.txt
└── tests
├── bitmap_test.c
├── graph_test.c
├── label_test.c
├── node_test.c
└── query_test.c
The repository is divided as the following:
- the bin folder contains the executables.
- the src folder contains the source files of the project.
- the test folder is further divided in:
- the input folder contains a sample of a graph plus query.
- the output folder contains the output generated by the program (i.e. the labels generated, the query results, and copy of the graph).
- the tests folder contains the actual test source files.
- the include folder contains the header files.
Note: by changing the values of the macros from the file constant.h allows the user to customize extra features, such as:
- DEBUG: if set, it prints to stdout extra information useful for debugging purposes (it is strongly recommended to turn it on)
- TEST: this flag must be set when running tests, otherwise it recommended to be turned off. Warning: during normal exucution (i.e. not running tests), if TEST is set the labels are not generated randomly.
- MAX_THREADS_GRAPH: number of running threads used during the graph generation phase. MUST be > 0.
- MAX_THREADS_QUERY: number of running threads used to solve the queries. MUST be > 0.
- ALL_NODES: macro passed to graph_print_to_stdout to print all the nodes on stdout.
The tests were created using the Check.h Framework (thus, it needs to be pre-installed when running the test suites).
If the option -q is passed, the program will generate a file called queries_out.txt, such that for each line it contains: source_id destination_id {0/1} (unreachable/reachable).
If the option -q is missing, the user will be able to interactively ask the reachability state of a query.
Similarly passing the option -l, it will create a file named labels_out.txt, with the following format: node_id: [l1_l, l1_r] [l2_l, l2_r] ...
The graph is represented using a data structure similar to an Adjacency list. A vector of Node pointers serves as the base for the graph. Each node is indexed, through graph->nodes, with its node_id. Furthermore, each node saves:
- a set of node indeces, which replicates the list of its outgoing edges.
- a vector of intervals of size num_intervals
The queries are stored in a static struct called queries under query.c
- a single query is represented as a route (route.src and route.dst);
- the result of a query is saved as a bit in a bitmap inside queries, which state indicates either non-reachability/reachability of the route (0/1). The i-th bit of the bitmap represents the state of i-th query (i.e. the query found at i-th lines of the file <query_file>, counting from 0);
The generation of the graph follows this main ideas:
- the generation is done concurrently by running MAX_THREADS_GRAPH number of threads
- at each iteration, each threads
- reads x lines
- increment shared counter of read lines (see p_curr_iteration)
- parse those lines (e.g. find the node_id of the current node and of its children)
- allocates a single chunk of memory, big enough to store x Nodes (see node_create_multiple)
- save each created Node at graph->nodes[<node_id>] = node;
repeat until end of file.
The intervals are generated concurrently by running n threads, where n is equal to the passed option num_intervals. The interval generated by i-th thread is saved in the corresponding Node.intervals[i-th];
The label generator is an implementation of the "Algorithm 1: GRAIL Indexing: Randomized Intervals" found in the GRAIL official publication.
Similarly during the second phase, the queries, read from file, are equally distributed in n blocks, where n is empirically set to 4 (can be changed through constants.h). Each block then is assigned to a thread, which task is to find the non-reachability/reachability of every query of its block. The query solver is an implementation of the "Algorithm 2: GRAIL Query:Reachability Testing" found in the GRAIL official publication".