This is a fork of the source cellatlas with a view to updating to work with the latest version of seqspec.
Notes for hackathon here.
The cellatlas tool uses seqspec and kallisto bustools to facilitate universal preprocessing of single-cell genomics data.
The cellatlas command-line tool can be installed with pip:
pip install git+
and can be run with
cellatlas build \
-o out \
-m modality \
-s spec.yaml \
-fa \
-g \
-fb feature_barcodes.txt \
fastqs/R1.fastq.gz fastqs/R2.fastq.gz",
is the output folder-m
is the modality (rna/atac etc)-s
is theseqspec
for the supplied FASTQs-fa
is either a link to the genome FASTA or the file itself-g
is either a link to the genome annotation (GTF) or the file itself-fb
is optional and is the feature barcode file for tag/protein/crispr assays
FASTQs are supplied at the end of the command in any order.