Releases: ggarra13/mrv2
mrv2 v1.3.0
One major new feature and one important bug fix.
Added tone-mapping of HDR videos. Note that FFmpeg seems to be buggy when reading the frame metadata, so we must rely on the stream metadata only.
Note that to compile this on Windows, you must install MSVC's shipped clang compiler. -
Fixed tiling behavior (dragging of timeline bar not making view window smaller) which got broken in v1.2.9.
mrv2 v1.2.9
- Handle AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC properly, instead of skipping it.
- Added PNG decoder so attached png pictures in .wav files are decoded properly.
- Added a File->Save Annotations Only. This allows you to export the annotations as a movie or file sequence.
- Added a File->Save Annotations as JSON. This allows you to export the annotations as a .json file.
- Fixed a crashing bug when drawing freehand.
- Fixed disappearing cursor when selecting a drawing tool.
- Added polygon drawing to the drawing tools.
- Polygon, Circle and Rectangle have two modes (outline or filled now). You select the mode by clicking on each triangle edge of the button.
- Fixed Float on Top on start up on Linux X11.
- Added for Unix systems to easily install pip libraries inside mrv2's
python library directory. - Moved mrv2's ComfyUI directory to its own repository at:
so that it can be listed more easily in ComfyUI's Node Manager AND we
make it more clear that that project is GPL compatible, not BSD one. - Fixed selecting montior's Display/View to None from the Menus.
- Updated to OpenUSD 0.24.8 (re-release of mrv2 v1.2.9)
- Updated OpenColorIO to v2.3.4.
mrv2 v1.2.8
- Automated sourceforge OS automatic file selection for a release (default, the last git release).
- Gain, Saturation and Gamma now effect all videos in a comparison when in Compare Mode.
- A/B Wipe Comparison now properly follows the cursor when zoomed in.
- A/B Wipe Comparison now properly follows the cursor on Y (it was reversed previously).
- Fixed and simplified demo script. Now, you can bake OCIO from the command-line by just doing something like:
Note that this script bakes without annotations support so if saving a float EXR to an 8 or 16-bit image, you will get banding.
mrv2 <INPUT_FILE> -ics ACEScg -od 'sRGB - Display' -pythonScript -pythonArgs <>
- Fixed changing displayOptions through python not reflecting the changes in the UI.
- Fixed to refresh the comparison immediately.
- Fixed Python Output showing icorrectly in panels when loading a session from the command-line.
- Fixed ICS pulldown not showing None when switching to a clip with no Input Color Space stored.
- Fixed viewport/image rescaling calculation in Save Move/Save Single Frame.
- Fixed Save Resolution setting being set to Half Size when Save Annotations was on.
- Made Status Bar error/warnings remain longer (8 seconds instead of 5).
- Fixed a precision issue on Windows with arbitrary scalings like 115%.
- Added Image/Previous Limited and Image/Next Limited to go from previous to next images, without looping.
- Added "Image/Go to/" to switch from one clip to the next without having to bring up the Files Panel.
- Added "Image/Compare/" and "Image/Compare Mode" to compare images without bringing up the Compare Panel.
- Made UI at start up wider to account for new menus and new language translations.
- Added HDR metadata to Media Information Panel.
- Very minor playback improvement for non HDR videos.
- Made "Advanced Settings" in Save Movie options store its settings.
- Made tlRender FFmpeg's write always print out the color space, color TRC and color primaries used when saving.
- Preferences->Render->Video Levels had Full Range and Legal Range reversed.
- Added first pass at Russian AI translation.
- Added Edit/Audio Clip/Insert. It allows inserting an audio clip at the point in time for the video clip.
- Added Edit/Audio Clip/Remove. It allows removing audio clip(s) at the point in time for the video clip.
- Fixed potential export issues when using Save Movie not exporting from the first frame.
- Clarified the name of TV (Legal Range) and PC (Full Range) in Advanced Options of Save Movie Options.
- tlRender now skips video streams with AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC or AV_DISPOSITION_STILL_IMAGE.
- Fixed Darby tlRender's BT.2020 coefficients.
mrv2 v1.2.7
- Fixed python plug-in system which got removed in v1.2.6 and early versions of v1.2.7.
- Better German, Portuguese, Chinese, French, Italian and Hindi translations.
- Added Selection of Page Size when saving out a PDF.
- Updated FAQ to cover X11 settings and FFmpeg Color Accuracy as a cause of slowness when playing YUV420P_U8 movies.
- Updated FAQ to cover X11 tearing due to bad graphics card configuration.
- Fixed session files with no panels open, leaving the dock group open if it was previously open.
- Fixed crash of HDR->Auto Normalize with OpenEXR files that had a smaller display window.
- Fixed FPS display not respecting the decimal separator on numeric locales that use commas.
- Fixed numeric locale for all languages.
- Made CTRL + r (Reset Colors) reset also saturation changes.
- Added Hotkeys display to all button and slider tooltips, which will change if you modify any shortcuts.
- Added hotkeys entries for saturation more and saturation less. By default, they are assigned to '<' and '>'.
- Fixed tooltip in Gain slider not showing up.
- Fixed an OCIO bug when setting from the command-line the display/view with nuke-default's config.ocio.
- Fixed Menu Entry "Playback/Go to/Start" and "Playback/Go to/End" not showing their keyboard shortcuts.
- Fixed Darby's DPX reading code.
- Fixed dockgroup not getting highlited when dragging and the panel could dock.
- Allowed saving comparisons (Tiles, for example) to a movie file if Save Annotations is turned on.
- Improved dramatically the speed of packaging mrv2 on Linux and macOS.
- Made ICS, View and Look not translate "None" as that was causing trouble when switching languages in session files.
- Fixed "None" getting saved translated in several panels and OCIO settings, causing problems when loading the same session file on a different language.
- Dramatically improved the performance of playback of SolLevante Netflix demo clip by using YUV420P_U16 instead of RGB48.
- Improved hotkey selection/display when using shift on some international keyboards.
- Added explanation when FFmpeg Color Accuracy is on to explain slow conversion.
- Wayland crashing fix.
- Wayland now uses FLTK's own built-in libdecor to avoid warnings in GTK-3. If you compile from source, you can change this, albeit you will still get a minor warning due to a conflict between FLTK and GLFW calling GTK-3's functions twice.
mrv2 v1.2.6
- Fixed macOS Intel compilation which had gotten broken in v1.2.4 and v1.2.5 (first two releases).
- Added Preferences->User Interface->View Window->OCIO In Top Bar to turn on
OCIO at start of UI. - Build fixes and directory clean-up. If building from source, you should run
a full rebuild with " clean", as the whole directory structure of
the mrv2 repository was changed. - Added Portuguese, Italian and French translations done with AI.
- Better Chinese, German and Hindi translations.
- Added top bar OCIO / Color toggle (Hotkey 't' by default).
- Added lumma channel (Hotkey 'l' by default).
- Allowed saving .otio movie files as .mp4, .mov, etc. files. This allows
turning an .otio file into a new movie file. Useful when concatenating
movies with the Playlist panel or with the -edl command-line switch. - Fixed cancelling of language switch.
- Added showing name of language that will be changed to.
- Allowed saving a picture with no audio and then a movie with audio as a
standard movie file (not .otio). - Fixed cursor when entering text.
- Improved port and monitor detection on Windows.
- Improved performance of redraws when using multiple monitors with OCIO.
- Fixed some update issues in Top Bar's OCIO View display when using multiple
monitors and OCIO was changed from the menus. - Fixed view getting reset if a monitor's view was selected previous to
selecting an image ics. - Added option to use default ocio/view saved in config.ocio.
- Added command-line option to just set the display only and it will use its
default view for it. - Added warning about variable frame rate movies, like Ubuntu's screen captures.
They are played at 12 FPS. - Added Darby's and my own Windows' sequence fix.
- Made python scripts run AFTER ocio settings, so that OCIO can be easily baked.
- Fixed and simplified script.
- Made python script be searched in $STUDIOPATH/python/ directory and
in mrv2's python/demos directory if it cannot be found directly. - Sped up monitor look up on X11 which was slowing down channel switching or
image mirroring. - Made File->Save PDF save out international characters properly. You can now
save annotations written in Chinese, for example. - Made File->Save PDF work properly on Wayland.
- Made File->Save PDF refresh properly, as it was buggy.
- Fixed drawn annotations disappearing when a text note in the same frame was
cleared. - Removed LibHaru dependency, as PDF creation is now handled by FLTK.
- Added OCIO options and LUT options to timeline, using Darby's new code.
- Fixed page creation when creating PDFs.
- Fixed PDFs' time information going outside the page on macOS.
- Fixed PDF creation drawing annotations on the wrong frames on large movies.
mrv2 v1.2.5
- RE-RELEASE: v1.2.5 in English had a serious bug in OCIO selection through the menus.
- SECOND RE-RELEASE: Added toggle between showing OCIO or COLOR information in
topbar in OCIO menu. - THIRD RE-RELEASE: Fixed macOS Intel (amd64) distribution looking for mesa/X11 OpenGL
libraries. - Input Color Space and Look setting are now stored with each clip. However,
you cannot compare two clips (say in a wipe) with different display settings. - Made Image/Previous and Image/Next not appear when a single image or movie
was loaded. - Fixed typo when saving session files which would prevent them from being
loaded which had gotten broken in v1.2.3. - OCIO configuration can now be selected from the menus.
- OCIO Display/View can now be applied on a monitor per monitor basis.
- Removed OCIO from the Color Panel.
- Removed OCIO from the Top bar. This change hopefully won't be controversial.
Now OCIO is all managed through the OCIO menu which can be easily accessed
with the Right Mouse Button or from the Main menu bar. - Major refactoring of convoluted OCIO code.
- Allowed Chaging OCIO Input Color Space from the OCIO menu.
- Fixed OCIO ICS when set to None and changing languages.
- Fixed annotation markers in timeline showing even when switching clips.
- Fixed Wayland PNG incompatibility on older Linux OSes. Tested to work on
Rocky Linux 8.10, Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS and Ubuntu 24.04.4 LTS. - Fixed saving annotations leading to black or stopping playback when there
were no annotations on Windows. - Added session pattern to Open Movie or Sequence.
- Moved View/OCIO Presets to OCIO/Presets.
- Added OCIO/Current File/Look to new OCIO menu.
- Added -otio or -edl command-line option to automatically create an .otio
timeline from a list of clips (movies or sequences) provided in the
command-line. Note that FPS is taken to be that of the one with highest
FPS, so sequences may leave gaps if video clips bigger than their FPS are
used. - Made -otio or -edl command-line option work with relative paths.
- Fixed .otio, .otioz and -edl flags when concatenation videos with different
rotations. - Changed name of "Reproducción" to "Reproducir" in Spanish translation.
- Added Chinese (Simplified) Translation done with AI.
- Added German Translation done with AI.
- Added Hindi Translation done with AI.
- Made Languages display their English name in parenthesis to help if switching
to an unknown language by mistake.
mrv2 v1.2.4
Fixed mrv::Tile behavior on Windows not dragging when the mouse was kept
pressed. -
Made Edit button toggle active if you drag the timeline viewport separator.
Made FFmpeg settings which were marked that the movie file had to be reloaded
automatically reload upon a change. -
Made deprecated yuvj420p movie files decode fast by default.
Changed mrv2 Windows icon to a bigger size.
If you installed betas, you might need to refresh the cache.See: -
Fixed thumbnail creation on Files Panel upon redraws not respecting the
OpenEXR layer. -
Made Desktop icon on Linux also bigger.
Fixed Loop behavior on new loaded movies to respect the Preferences setting.
Updated to USD v24.08.
Fixed gamma correction not ocurring in linear space, when reading
log images. -
Fixed gain and color corrections not ocurring in linear space, when reading
log images. -
Added documentation about mrv2's OCIO color pipeline in the Interface section
of the on-line docs. -
Made Input Color Space and Display/View allowed to be applied individually
by selecting None.
This helps with checking the linear color space, as used in Nuke. -
Fixed some Display/Views in studio config that have parenthesis in them
getting misinterpreted. -
Fixed cursor when in some drawing mode and leaving the view area to the color
channel tool bar. -
Added Compare Time Mode to Compare Panel to select between Relative or Absolute
timeline comparisons. -
Added media.setCompareTime() and media.getCompareTime() to get the comparison modes.
mrv2 v1.2.3
Fixed loading of movies with multiple audio tracks which had gotten
broken. Also it fixes an incorrect use of C++ that could lead to
undefined behavior on compilers. -
Added "Render/HDR/Auto Normalize" to normalize HDR (OpenEXR and HDR images).
Added "Render/HDR/Invalid Values" to show HDR images' invalid values.
Added toggleSafeAreas, toggleDisplayWindow, toggleDataWindow,
toggleIgnoreDisplayWindow, toggleAutoNormalize, toggleInvalidValues
python commands in cmd module. -
Upgraded to NDI 6.0.
Added support for NDI's PA216 format.
Added NDI Panel's pulldown to support either fast or best format.
Added NDI Panel's pulldown to support audio or not.
Fixed a memory leak and slowdown in NDI streams.
Fixed loading of the same frame several times from the command-line.
Improved switching of clips. There's no longer a flickering of black when
you switch clips. -
Slight improvements on playback performance.
Fixed reverse playback seeking when cache was not filled on movies smaller
than 4K. -
Fixed a memory leak on reverse playback seeking.
Fixed area selection when switching to a clip of different size.
Fixed thumbnail icons not showing the current layer in the Panels.
Fixed reverse seeking not respecting the reverse playback action and
reverting to stopping. -
Re-arranging of View menu into submenus.
Added small margin between thumbnail picture and labels on all Panel clips.
Added credit for the icons used in mrv2 when possible.
Changed mrv2 icon to a great new design of Thane5.
On Windows, you might need to refresh the cache or manually set the file
association again.See: -
Made icons on Linux follow the guidelines.
Made UnReal movies with .avi and mjpeg codecs play properly in mrv2.
Made mrv2 report "Unknown video codec" when a codec is unknown.
Fixed pyFLTK compilation on newer FLTK branches as fltk-config would return
includes quoted. -
Build fixes to remove relative paths on packaging.
Code clean-up.
RE-RELEASE: Linux binaries were re-released to fix an icon install and uninstall problem on 16 August 2024.
They were re-released again to remove some useless libraries.
mrv2 v1.2.2
- Updated FFmpeg build to support .webm muxer which was missing.
- Made OpenEXR tag for Compression show its actual name instead of a number.
- Added OpenEXR compression per layer instead of a global tag.
- Added Channel (Layer) stepping hotkeys ({ and } by default).
- Made exposure buttons (and the hotkeys) increment and decrement by 1/4 stop
instead of 1/2 stop. - Made single images not start playing even if auto playback is on.
- Improved hiding of the pixel bar to only do it when duration is not 1.
- Upgraded to FFmpeg 7.0.1.
- Fixed auto playback when started from the command-line with multiple videos.
Now they all respect the auto playback setting instead of just the first
video. - Added Preferences->User Interface->Raise on Enter to set how the window
should behave once the mouse enters the view window. By default, now
it is off, instead of on; meaning you will have to click on the window to
bring it to the front and activate keyboard focus. - Fixed overwriting of data in Darby's original FFmpegReadVideo code.
- Added support for HAP and HAP with Alpha decoders.
- Added support for HAP encoder.
- Fixed mrv2's custom file requester starting with no icons in the current
directory. - Fixed Open Separate Audio dialog to be non-modal.
- Fixed sequence loading on macOS sometimes returning a wrong sequence when
sequence was like 0999-1001. - Fixed loading of separate audio track for image sequences.
- Added a work-around to support loading audio tracks with embedded PNG files
when FFmpeg was compiled as minimal. - Fixed -playback command-line flag to start playback when set even if
autoPlayback is off. - Made reverse playback at start not leak an observable item pointer or be
slower. - FLTK fixes to OpenGL 3 for Debian 12+ and AMD/Mesa systems under X11.
- Added libsnappy version and copyright to About window.
- Made path mapping reject two identical remote paths.
- Updated SVT-AV1 library for MSVC 2019 and MSVC 2022 (v2.1.2).
- Moved Windows building of SVT-AV1 library to tlRender and removed the hack
of creating a .pc manually. - Fixed looping to stop at start/end when scrubbing and Loop is off.
- Fixed primary screen resizing on second monitor moving to first monitor.
This might also fix crashes due to different monitor resolutions. - Fixed secondary screen hiding timeline when going to presentation mode.
- Added Window->Preferences->User Interface->Maximized option.
- Upgraded to OpenUSD v24.08 without boost (yeah!).
- Fixed saving of OpenUSD settings.
- Added a ComfyUI directory with a mrv2 a custom node to allow saving
EXR images in full half/float precision. For those that believe in AI,
see the instructions on how to install it in the ComfyUI directory.
mrv2 v1.2.1
v1.2.1 has been RE-RELEASED on 7/12/2024 to fix a crash when saving movies.
- Fixed codec support (libvpx, dav1d and Svt-Av1) which had gotten broken due
to new way of building FFmpeg. - Fixed scrubbing behavior to be smooth when there's no audio. If there's
audio the default behavior is to play the movie while scrubbing so audio
can be heard, unless Preferences->Playback->Scrub With Audio is off. - Fixed Settings->Gigabytes display resetting to the maximum memory even if the
setting was actually using much less. - Improved scrubbing behavior when audio is played and the mouse button is not
released. - Fixed Python ocioIcs(), ocioIcsList(), ocioView(), ocioViewList() to not
return paths with '/' at the beginning. - Made session (.mrv2s) files use OCIO names for default OCIO ics, view and
look. - Fixed HUD when saving images or movies not being correctly turned off.
- Added View->OCIO Presets to store and retrieve OCIO configurations.
- Fixed Background in OCIO Presets window on Windows 10.
- Fixed VP9 encoder to use .mp4 muxer instead of .webm as it was failing.
- Fixes STUDIOPATH variable so that it is used only with OCIO presets and
Path Mapping. - Fixed command-line seek value when starting a video.
- Fixed reverse playback when starting the video from the middle.
- Fixed rounding errors on reverse playback.
- Improved packaging size on Windows.
- Fixed crashing when saving movie files.
- Added Image/Next and Image/Previous.