ochre 🏜️
A down-to-earth approach to colors
ochre is a tiny Python package for working with colors in a pragmatic way. The focus is on simplicity and ease of use, but also on human perception.
- 🎨 Focus on RGB and HCL color spaces
- 🖥️ Web color names
- ♻️ Color conversions that easily integrate with the
module - 🗑️ Zero dependencies
- 🐍 Python 3.8+
$ pip install ochre
In [1]: from ochre import Hex
In [2]: color = Hex("#CC7722")
In [3]: color.web_color
Out[3]: WebColor('peru')
In [4]: color = color.hcl
In [5]: color.hue
Out[5]: 0.6373041934059377
In [6]: import math
In [7]: color.hue += math.radians(30)
In [8]: color.hue
Out[8]: 1.1609029690042365
In [9]: color.web_color
Out[9]: WebColor('goldenrod')
Photo by Nicola Carter on Unsplash.