pip in /Workshops/2024-03-22 - Evaluation & Deployment/Evaluation for Jinja2, Jinja2, aiohttp, aiohttp, aiohttp, aiohttp, aiohttp, aiohttp, aiohttp, aiohttp, certifi, certifi, certifi, certifi, idna, idna, jupyterlab, jupyterlab, langchain-community, langchain-community, langchain-community, langchain-community, langchain-community, langchain-community, langchain-community, langchain-community, langchain-core, nltk, nltk, nltk, nltk, notebook, notebook, notebook, notebook, requests, requests, setuptools,... #14
1 error
Dependabot encountered an error performing the update
Error: (HTTP code 404) no such container - No such image: ghcr.io/dependabot/dependabot-updater-pip:31aecdc225b7f0d278db351717ad7be196c2b75d
For more information see: https://github.com/georgian-io/GAL/network/updates/876113686 (write access to the repository is required to view the log)