Program search results may differ from the Shazam CSV data.
Shazam to YouTube Auto-Adds Playlists.
- A Google Cloud Platform project with the YouTube Data API v3 enabled
- OAuth2 credentials for the project
- Install the required Python libraries by running the following command:
pip install google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client pandas
- Follow the instructions on the Google Cloud Platform Console to create a new project and enable the YouTube Data API v3.
- Create a new set of OAuth2 credentials for the project and download the JSON file. (refer this up to 6:58)
- Rename the JSON file to credentials.json and move it to the project directory.
- Replace SHAZAM_CSV(line 14) with the downloaded Shazam CSV filename.
- Modify the PLAYLISTID in the code(line 17)