These scripts form the basic core needed to work with Gemini3D ionospheric model to:
- generate a new simulation from scratch
- run a simulation
- read simulation output
- plot simulation output
The latter two functions are independent of the core GEMINI fortran/C model and as such can be used without first downloading and building. I.e. to load and plot output data one does not need the main GEMINI fortran/C code, but creating input and running the GEMINI model from matlab require the core fortran/C code.
Get MatGemini code:
git clone --recurse-submodules
If Gemini3D has previously been setup, from Matlab configure/check MatGemini paths:
Then run desired MatGemini commands.
MatGemini finds Gemini3D by environment variable GEMINI_ROOT.
If the system used is an offline (no Internet) system (some HPC are offline for security), see doc.
For general usage and applications see usage doc or troubleshooting doc.
MatGemini was partly funded by NASA NNH19ZDA001N-HDEE grant 80NSSC20K0176.