This project provides DOI services used by the IPT, Portal and Registry web services. This library is capable of connecting with DataCite REST JSON:API to assign and manage DOIs, the functionality exposed by this library is accessible through the interface DoiService, which provides methods to: resolve, register, reserve, delete and update DOIs and the related metadata.
IMPORTANT: Verson 2.0 and higher stopped supporting MDS and EZID services.
Datacite DOI Fabrica: test, prod
Execute the Maven command passing as parameter GBIF's datacite password.
mvn clean package verify -Ddatacite.password=***** -Ddatacite.api.base.url= -Ddatacite.user=GBIF.GBIF
Properties can be changed. Note that the password is also required when releasing; supply it as an environment variable:
export MAVEN_OPTS='-Ddatacite.password=*****'