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JSON Config File Explained

Garrett edited this page Dec 29, 2022 · 1 revision

Details for greenbutton.json config file

Mandatory fields


What format the input csv file is from your local utility

  • sce-tou = Southern California Edison Time of Use or Net Metering (NEME). SCE TOU provides seperate sections for generated and delivered. Zero value rows are not loaded into the database
    SCE normal rate plans (non-solar or time of use) will not work with this format.
  • pep = Pepco Maryland utility. Their csv includes cost and also delivered/generated as net in 1 hour intervals


The full URL or IP address for your influxdb


The port for influxdb, usually 8086


Database name. Please use --createdb command line option the first time or when you want to clear out the database


Influxdb userid with access to the database Even if you setup influxdb as open input, a value is needed here. Also shame on you if you did so.


No explanation needed

Future use


Will convert to SSL for security. In the meantime do not run this program across the internet without a secure VPN. Running locally will be fine unless your local network is compromised.


Will convert to SSL for security. In the meantime do not run this program across the internet without a secure VPN. Running locally will be fine unless your local network is compromised.


Provides ability to post to influxdb V1 and V2, Only V1 works at the moment. Dashboards and any queries must be re-written for V2.


Soon adding functionality to limit batch size while posting to influxdb to increase performance.