Welcome to Alphacode!
Alphacode is an online judge with support for C,C++ & java. with possible additions for newer languages.
Installation :
Pre Requisites-
1.Linux OS
2.Tomcat V8 or above
3.MySql 5.6 or above
4.Gcc G++ & Java8 compilers
Creating Directories-
1. Open Terminal [ctrl+alt+t]
2. Enter the following Commands
a. cd ~
b. Open Installation-files Folder from Source Code
c. chmod u+x MakeDir.sh
d. Copy Sample data to CodeSalad Folder you just created.
Importing Project-
1. Import the alphacodeV1[beta].sql Database.
2. Import the AlphaCodeV1[beta].war into Tomcat8 installation.
3. Go the the Tomcat installation and goto tomcat/webapps/CodeSalad/WEB-INF/Configuration.txt
4. Change the username 'gaurav' to the name of the user of your linux OS . [command- whoami in terminal]
5. Change MySqlUserName & MySqlPassword to your MYSQL Credentials.
6. Edit Severs.xml of tomcat8 and add this
<Context docBase="/home/<your linux username>/CodeSalad/profile" path="/profile" reloadable="true"/>
eg: <Context docBase="/home/gaurav/CodeSalad/profile" path="/profile" reloadable="true"/>
before </Host> Tag.