Releases: gardener/landscaper
Releases · gardener/landscaper
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- [USER] The fields
in the config of a helm deploy item are now mandatory, since one or both of them being empty can lead to weird errors. (#308, @Diaphteiros)
✨ New Features
- [USER] Add new landscaper controller command line option "--landscaper-kubeconfig". (#306, @reshnm)
- This option allows the landscaper controller to run inside a hosting cluster, but operate on landscaper resources in a different cluster.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [USER] Fixed a bug regarding the defaulting of the container deployer which could cause it to generate invalid pod manifests. (#305, @Diaphteiros)
🏃 Others
- [OPERATOR] Support for compressed jsonschema definitions has been added (#299, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] Phase changes in deploy items are now properly propagated to their owning execution, even if the execution was already in a final phase and there weren't any changes to the installation. (#290, @Diaphteiros)
- [OPERATOR] Reconciliation of executions will now detect missing or outdated deployitems. (#290, @Diaphteiros)
- [OPERATOR] Phase changes in executions and subinstallations are now properly propagated to their owning installation, even if the installation was already in a final phase and there weren't any changes to the spec. (#281, @Diaphteiros)
Release v0.12.1
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [USER] Fixed a bug regarding the defaulting of the container deployer which could cause it to generate invalid pod manifests. (#305, @Diaphteiros)
- [OPERATOR] Support for compressed jsonschema definitions has been added (#299, @schrodit)
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- [USER] The
attribute in the Helm ProviderConfiguration is now deprecated and replaced in the future. (#274, @schrodit)- Please use new combined
from now on.
- Please use new combined
✨ New Features
- [USER] Add command line flags "webhook-url" and "certificates-namespace" which allow to run the webhooks server in an external cluster. (#279, @reshnm)
- [USER] It is now possible to specify exports from deployed manifests in the helm and manifest deployer. (#274, @schrodit)
- See the dedicated export documentation for details.
- [USER] It is now possible to specify exports from referenced deployed manifests in the helm and manifest deployer. (#274, @schrodit)
- With this it is possible for example to create a service account and export the token in the referenced secret.
- [USER] It is now possible to import component descriptors. See the documentation for blueprints and installations for more information. (#255, @Diaphteiros)
- [DEVELOPER] The kubernetes manifest handling of the manifest and helm deployer are combined and both deployers do now use the same apitypes and manifest handling. (#273, @schrodit)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [USER] A bug has been fixed that caused target export from installation to not be consumable by other installations. (#288, @reshnm)
- [OPERATOR] The permissions for deployers have been fixed so that they are now allowed to create, update and patch events. (#294, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] A bug in the pull secrets sync of the container deployer has been fixed. (#294, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] It is now possible to provide oci images addressed by their digest in all landscaper provided helm charts. (#278, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] A syntax error in the landscaper agent helm chart has been fixed (951625f)
- [DEVELOPER] Landscaper is now able to parse json.RawMessage values that are
. (#284, @achimweigel)
🏃 Others
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [DEVELOPER] Landscaper is now able to parse json.RawMessage values that are
. (#284, @achimweigel)
✨ New Features
- [USER] It is now possible to omit the key for secret and configmap imports. These imports do now use the whole data section as object. (#271, @schrodit)
- See the documentation for details.
- [USER] It is now possible to import lists of targets. Further information can be found in the documentation for installations and blueprints. (#218, @Diaphteiros)
- [OPERATOR] The logging of deployers has been improved so that the configuration and additional target selector information can be logged with the according verbosity level. (#242, @schrodit)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [USER] A bug has been fixed that caused the Landscaper to not detect data changes in secrets or configmaps (#268, @schrodit)
- [USER] Fixed a bug where the validation would not detect duplicate import names in installations across import types (e.g. a data and a target import with the same name). (#218, @Diaphteiros)
- [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that caused misleading error logs in the component cache. (#252, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed in the manifest and helm deployer that caused kubernetes resources that are reconciled with the patch option to not be updated. (#251, @robertgraeff)
- [DEVELOPER] A bug has been fixed that caused the container that are executed by the container-deployer to be unable to write to the export or state directory. (#269, @schrodit)
- [DEVELOPER] Several bugs in the blueprint rendering have been fixed so it can now be used in other scenarios. (#263, @schrodit)
🏃 Others
- [OPERATOR] category doc (#250, @reshnm)
- target_group user
- [OPERATOR] Deployer healthchecks renamed into readiness checks. (#244, @MrBatschner)
- [OPERATOR] introduces custom readiness checks which offer fine granular configuration of which fields of which resources should be checked against which values (#225, @MrBatschner)
- [DEVELOPER] The internal component descriptor usage has been simplified by relying on the common ctf interface instead of our own component resolver implementation/interface. (#263, @schrodit)
- [DEPENDENCY] Golang version has been updated to 1.16.6 containing several security and bigfixes. (#252, @schrodit)
- [DEPENDENCY] Component-cli and component-spec libs have been updated to v0.25.0 and v0.0.52. (#252, @schrodit)
✨ New Features
- [OPERATOR] The logging of deployers has been improved so that the configuration and additional target selector information can be logged with the according verbosity level. (#242, @schrodit)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that caused misleading error logs in the component cache. (#252, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed in the manifest and helm deployer that caused kubernetes resources that are reconciled with the patch option to not be updated. (#251, @robertgraeff)
🏃 Others
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- [USER] A
field has been added to import and export definitions in blueprints. To preserve backward compatibility, it is currently optional. However, this is expected to change in the future, therefore it is strongly recommended to treat it as mandatory and always set it. Have a look at the Blueprint documentation for further information. (#224, @Diaphteiros)
✨ New Features
- [OPERATOR] The Landscaper and all internal deployers to now create events for errors that occur. (#233, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] A blueprints cache has been introduced in the Landscaper which improves the handling of Blueprints internally. (#229, @schrodit)
- The Cache size and garbage collection can be configured in the Landscaper configuration.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [USER] A bug has been fixed that caused the blueprint store to panic when the generated blueprint id exceeded the max allowed characters for a directory name. (#237, @schrodit)
- [USER] A bug has been fixed, that caused a Installation to hang in
state although the corresponding deploy item is already failed. (#234, @schrodit)- The state is now correctly propagated and displayed to the user.
🏃 Others
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- [USER] The Landscaper used media types in oci artifacts are updated to conform with the OCI specification. (#219, @schrodit)
- The old types are still supported but make sure to update your types as soon as possible.
- [OPERATOR] Inline deployer have been completely removed and are replaced with the DLM based deployment. (#216, @schrodit)
- It is now also possible to define additional deployers in the
so that external deployers can be managed within one landscaper deployment.
- It is now also possible to define additional deployers in the
- [DEVELOPER] The new lifecycle management will also replace the internal deployers in the near future. So adjust your local environments. (#185, @schrodit)
✨ New Features
- [USER] It is now possible to define 'conditional imports' in blueprints. Conditional imports are imports which are only checked for if another import is satisfied. See the documentation for further information. (#191, @Diaphteiros)
- [OPERATOR] The defaulting mechanism for the CRD management has been updated to use the default k8s defaulting. (#201, @schrodit)
- Note: the golang configuration struct has slightly changed.
- [OPERATOR] DeployItems do now contain a deployer information field that contains information about the reconciling deployer. (#198, @schrodit)
- In addition each deployer can be configured with a specific unique identity that is added to the deployer information field.
- [OPERATOR] A Deployer Lifecycle has been implemented that consists of a Landscaper Agent which will manage the installation and updates of deployers across all environments. (#185, @schrodit)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [USER] Annotations and labels defined on targets are now correctly synced to an installations context. (#200, @schrodit)
- [USER] Installations do not fail anymore if a sibling installation fails to resolve its blueprint (#197, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] Improved the abort handling of the deploy item controller to not cause an infinite reconcile while competing with a deployer (#214, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] Proper initialization of configuration with default values, fixes crash if landscaper-controller is started without configuration file. (#213, @MrBatschner)
- [OPERATOR] Fixes the
handling in the execution controller that could lead to a reconcile deadlock. (#212, @schrodit) - [OPERATOR] The container deployer blueprint now honors the init and wait container defined in its component descriptor. (#206, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that caused the a deadlink the
logic of the execution controller and the deployers. (#203, @schrodit)
🏃 Others
- [OPERATOR] Updated the component-spec to the newest version (#226, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] The base image has been switched to the latest alpine linux (#196, @schrodit)
- [DEVELOPER] Unit tests for the deployer blueprints have been added (#207, @schrodit)
- [DEVELOPER] The component-cli lib has been updated to v0.19.0 (cba30d1)
- [DEPENDENCY] The component cli has been updated to v0.20.0 which fixes a authorization bug when fetching component descriptors from a registry. (fa8810d)