released this
16 Jun 13:29
1392 commits
to master
since this release
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- [USER] The Landscaper used media types in oci artifacts are updated to conform with the OCI specification. (#219, @schrodit)
- The old types are still supported but make sure to update your types as soon as possible.
- [OPERATOR] Inline deployer have been completely removed and are replaced with the DLM based deployment. (#216, @schrodit)
- It is now also possible to define additional deployers in the
so that external deployers can be managed within one landscaper deployment.
- It is now also possible to define additional deployers in the
- [DEVELOPER] The new lifecycle management will also replace the internal deployers in the near future. So adjust your local environments. (#185, @schrodit)
✨ New Features
- [USER] It is now possible to define 'conditional imports' in blueprints. Conditional imports are imports which are only checked for if another import is satisfied. See the documentation for further information. (#191, @Diaphteiros)
- [OPERATOR] The defaulting mechanism for the CRD management has been updated to use the default k8s defaulting. (#201, @schrodit)
- Note: the golang configuration struct has slightly changed.
- [OPERATOR] DeployItems do now contain a deployer information field that contains information about the reconciling deployer. (#198, @schrodit)
- In addition each deployer can be configured with a specific unique identity that is added to the deployer information field.
- [OPERATOR] A Deployer Lifecycle has been implemented that consists of a Landscaper Agent which will manage the installation and updates of deployers across all environments. (#185, @schrodit)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [USER] Annotations and labels defined on targets are now correctly synced to an installations context. (#200, @schrodit)
- [USER] Installations do not fail anymore if a sibling installation fails to resolve its blueprint (#197, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] Improved the abort handling of the deploy item controller to not cause an infinite reconcile while competing with a deployer (#214, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] Proper initialization of configuration with default values, fixes crash if landscaper-controller is started without configuration file. (#213, @MrBatschner)
- [OPERATOR] Fixes the
handling in the execution controller that could lead to a reconcile deadlock. (#212, @schrodit) - [OPERATOR] The container deployer blueprint now honors the init and wait container defined in its component descriptor. (#206, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that caused the a deadlink the
logic of the execution controller and the deployers. (#203, @schrodit)
🏃 Others
- [OPERATOR] Updated the component-spec to the newest version (#226, @schrodit)
- [OPERATOR] The base image has been switched to the latest alpine linux (#196, @schrodit)
- [DEVELOPER] Unit tests for the deployer blueprints have been added (#207, @schrodit)
- [DEVELOPER] The component-cli lib has been updated to v0.19.0 (cba30d1)
- [DEPENDENCY] The component cli has been updated to v0.20.0 which fixes a authorization bug when fetching component descriptors from a registry. (fa8810d)