File-based document store for Clojure
For small, throw-away projects or prototypes (such as reading-list), the ceremony of setting up a database to persist state is often disproportionate. In-memory databases, on the other hand, are too fragile and fleeting, suitable only for testing environments. Enter filofacts
, a file-based document store.
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
[filofacts "0.1.0"]
(ns test
(:require filofacts.core :as ff))
; open database
(def db (ff/open "/tmp/friends"))
; save document
; stored in /tmp/friends/1/1
(def alice
(ff/insert! db {:name "Alice"
:age 31
:interests #{:travel :friends :beauty}}))
; save document
; stored in /tmp/friends/2/1
(def bob
(ff/insert! db {:name "Bob"
:age 29
:interests #{:technology :football :cars}}))
; document id and revision stored in metadata
(println (meta alice)) ; => {:id 1 :rev 1}
(println (meta bob)) ; => {:id 2 :rev 1}
; update document
; stored in /tmp/friends/2/2
(def bob2
(ff/update! db (:id (meta bob)) {:name "Bob"
:age 23
:interests #{:technology :football :music}}))
(println (meta bob2)) ; => {:id 2 :rev 2}
; retrieve latest rev of a document
(def res (ff/find db (:id (meta bob2))))
(println (:age res)) ; => 23