- Designed a web app that predicts the price of the laptop given the configurations.
- Scraped the laptops data from kaggle using python and Opendatasets package.
- Developed Linear, Lasso, and Random Forest Regressors using GridsearchCV to get the best model.
- Deployed the Machine Learning model using streamlit library on Heroku.
We go through all the features one by one and keep adding new features. I have made the following changes and created new variables:
- RAM - Made columns for Ram Capacity in GB
- Processor - Made columns for Name of the Processor, Type of the Processor, Generation
- Operating System - Parsed the Operating System from this column and made a new column
- Storage - Made new columns for the type of Disk Drive and the capacity of the Disk Drive
- Display - Made new columns for the size of the laptop(in inches) and touchscreen
- Description - Made new columns for the company and IPS
There are a few columns which are categorical here but they actually contain numerical values.So we need to convert few categorical columns to numerical columns. These are ram, weight, hdd, ssd.
I have deployed the model using Streamlit library on Heroku which is a Platform As A Service(PAAS)
Web application: https://laptop-price-predictor-yg.herokuapp.com/