- Experience with the development of WebApps w/ React.js + Typescript;
- Practice with the development of Apps w/ React Native + Typescript;
- Practice with the development of Apps w/ FlutterFlow;
- Experience w/ the development of RESTFUL APIs w/ Java & Spring Boot (modern practices w/ Tests, Pagination, Health Check...);
- Experience w/ the development of RESTFUL APIs w/ Node.js / Typescript / Express with MVC model;
- SQL w/ MS-SQL Server / IBM-DB2 / PostgreSQL / Supabase;
- No-SQL with Firebase;
- Data modeling w/ CASE tools like Power Designer and others;
- Pipeline CI/CD flow with Netlify, Github, Gitlab and others;
- Full Stack Development;
- DevOps Culture;
- Design Patterns;
- Restful API's;
- Modern development practices;