Welcome to my page. I am Frédéric ZINGG, software engineer from France and Switzerland, living in Portugal.
More than 20 years of building client/server solutions and API mainly with RUBY / RubyonRails / Javascript / Python and React / Websocket / Redis and various Database like Relational DB or Graph DB.
Since 6 years I'm more involved in blockchain technologies work with RUST / CAIRO / NOIR / Solidity mainly in Ethereum and Starknet ecosystems.
Also involved in AI and Data engineering in the 2 last years at Mindset.ai where I mainly build Data flow with GCP and Thoughstpot, work on Javascript and Python Ai agents API and build various integrations process with tools like Cyclr or Zappier.
I'm currently passioned by learning PyTorch, playing with RUST and GO, and experimenting FHE in ML or blockchains environment.
Working at Mindset.ai