This project includes common OIM API's and how they can be used on client machine or server (OIM Platform)
Project contains following operations:
- Access Policy Operations
- Application Instance Operations
- Entitlement Operations
- IT Resource Operations
- Lookup Operations
- Organization Operations
- Platform Utils Service Operations
- Process Form Operations
- Reconciliation Operations
- Role Operations
- Scheduler Job Operations
- User Operations
- commons-logging : 1.2
- spring-core : 5.3.9
- spring-context : 5.3.9
- spring-tx : 5.3.9
Following jars are located under OIM installation folder
- oimclient.jar
- OIMServer.jar
- idmdf-common.jar
- wlthint3client.jar
- jrf-api.jar
- event-recording-client.jar
- eclipselink.jar
To call OIM API's from client, IP adress, username(xelsysadm), password and authwl.conf path must be set in
method according to your OIM environment.
serverURL = "<ip_adress>:14000";
username = "xelsysadm";
password = "<password>".toCharArray();
String authwlPath = "C:\\design_console\\config\\authwl.conf";
To call OIM API's from client, OIMClient instance must be created before API's calls.
ExternalOimClient externalOimClient = new ExternalOimClient();
OIMClient oimClient = externalOimClient.setOimClient(ExternalOimClient.Environment.DEV);