thunk-mixin will enhance object functions, which have Node style callback, into thunks. It adds thunkified functions into its original object and names it original function name + _t. It is useful for generator-based flow control such as co.
$ npm install thunk-mixin
obj: object or constructor function to be enhanced.
methods: String[] of methods names which have Node style call back.
Returns: The enhanced obj is returned.
var thunkMixin = require('thunk-mixin'),
couchbase = require('couchbase'),
cluster = new couchbase.Cluster('couchbase://'),
bucket = cluster.openBucket('default'),
co = require("co");
thunkMixin(bucket, ["query", "get"]);
//thunkMixin(bucket.constructor, ["query", "get"]); //mixin through constructor for all instances
co(function* (){
var myDoc = yield bucket.get_t("your_doc_id"); //call thunkified function and pause
//further process myDoc ...
}, function(err){