React Boilerplate using Vite
, Prettier
, Eslint
, Stylelint
and SVGO
# clone the official repository
git clone
cd vite_react_boilerplate
# install all packages using your favorites node installer
pnpm install
# if you wish to use yarn then delete 'pnpm-lock.yaml' and
yarn install
- SASS as css preprocessor
- Terser to minify JS
- SVGO for svg minification
- ESLint for JS/JSX linting
"dev": "vite",
"build": "vite build",
"preview": "vite preview",
"lint:eslint": "eslint . --ext .js,.jsx",
"fix:eslint": "eslint --fix . --ext .js,.jsx",
"lint:stylelint": "stylelint ./src/**/*.{css,scss,jsx}",
"fix:stylelint": "stylelint --fix ./src/**/*.{css,scss,jsx}"
- you can run those scripts by terminal command
- start dev server
pnpm run dev
- start preview build
pnpm run preview
- eslint
# start eslint pnpm run lint:eslint # fix all fixable problems pnpm run fix:eslint
- stylelint
# start stylelint pnpm run lint:stylelint # fix all fixable problems pnpm run fix:stylelint
- start dev server
If you'd like to overwrite vite or prettier or eslint or stylelint settings, you can add the rules in vite.config.js , .prettierrc.json , .eslintrc.json , .stylelintrc.json respectively.
import { ViteImageOptimizer } from 'vite-plugin-image-optimizer'; import svgr from 'vite-plugin-svgr'; // add those plugins plugins: [ViteImageOptimizer(), svgr()];
- vite-plugin-image-optimizer is useful for svg minification
- vite-plugin-svgr is used to create ReactComponent for any images/logo
import { ReactComponent as Logo } from './logo.svg';
- By default server and preview port are 5555 and 8888 you can change it here
server: { port: 5555, } preview: { port: 8080, },
- sourcemap and code split is enable for css and js
build: { cssCodeSplit: true, sourcemap: true, },
- By default server and preview port are 5555 and 8888 you can change it here
"trailingComma": "es5",
"arrowParens": "avoid",
"printWidth": 80,
"quoteProps": "as-needed",
"semi": true,
"singleQuote": true,
"tabWidth": 2,
"bracketSameLine": false,
"bracketSpacing": true,
"jsxSingleQuote": false
- Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide
"extends": [, "airbnb", "airbnb/hooks", "prettier", "plugin:prettier/recommended" ], "plugins": [ "jsx-a11y", "prettier", "unused-imports" ]
rules you can change any rule define here
"rules": { }, // some default reules is overwritten you can take a look at here or completely remove it "overrides": [ { "files": ["src/**/*.{js,jsx}"], "rules": { } } ]
- plugins
more details here
"plugins": [ // change all color format to either hsl or rgb "stylelint-color-format", // convert all px value to rem(base 16) "stylelint-rem-over-px" ]
- stylelint-color-format
- stylelint-rem-over-px
- I have disabled it for SCSS function
I had created. You can enable it here
"rules": { "rem-over-px/rem-over-px": false, // "rem-over-px/rem-over-px": [true, { "ignore": "1px", "ignoreFunctions": ["url"] , "ignoreAtRules": ["media"], fontSize: 16 }], }
- I have disabled it for SCSS function