This process is the idea of taking something small like a nand gate and building something bigger. Like many concepts behind software development you take something small break it down into managable pieces and then create something much larger. This idea can be seen in OS development, Application development and projects as well.
You can also see changes to the project in the change log. You can see that here.
Basic Logic Gates
- Not Gate
- AND Gate
- OR Gate
- XOR Gate
- NOR Gate
- NAND Gate
Primative Chips
- Half Adder
- Full Adder
- 8-bit Adder
- not16
- and16
- or16
- 16-bit Adder
- Multiplexer 2-1
- DeMultiplexer 1-2
Experimental Chips
- 8-bit CPU
- 16-bit CPU
- 32-bit CPU
- 64-bit CPU
- MMX chip
The second part of this is to attempt to learn optimizations. Taking what I know for C/C++ programming and taking it to the next level. This will help me develop as a programmer.
Code: The hidden language of Computer Hardware and software
The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles