Easily generate (multiple) resources than contain products.
Add spree_products_container to your Gemfile:
gem 'spree_products_container', github: 'freego/spree_products_container', branch: 'X-X-stable'
Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:
bundle exec rails g spree_products_container:install
Generate a new Look
$ rails generate spree_products_container:resource look
Example output:
create app/models/spree/look.rb
create app/controllers/spree/admin/looks_controller.rb
create app/overrides/spree/layouts/admin/add_spree_looks.html.erb.deface
append config/routes.rb
create config/locales/en_looks.yml
create config/locales/it_looks.yml
Then run the migration:
$ rake db:migrate
To rollback:
$ rake db:rollback
$ rails destroy spree_products_container:resource look
First bundle your dependencies, then run rake
. rake
will default to building the dummy app if it does not exist, then it will run specs. The dummy app can be regenerated by using rake test_app
bundle exec rake
When testing your applications integration with this extension you may use it's factories. Simply add this require statement to your spec_helper:
require 'spree_products_container/factories'
Copyright (c) 2015 Alessandro Lepore, released under the New BSD License