A Command Line Interface for quickly building apps with FrappeJS.
npm i -g https://github.com/frappe/frappejs-cli
Create a new FrappeJS application
frappe create-app app-name
Choose any of the following boilerplate for your new app:
- Blank ( Blank Frontend + Server )
- VueJS ( Vue.js Frontend + Server + SQLite Database )
- Server ( No Frontend + Server )
Choose a target platform for your new app:
- Web
- Electron
Choose a node package manager to install dependencies or skip to install dependencies later:
- Yarn
- Skip this step
Create a new FrappeJS model
frappe create-model model-name
Enter the model details as prompted. Click here to know more about models in FrappeJS.
Serve your application in development mode either in Browser (Web) or Electron with auto-reload capabillity.
To serve in Browser
frappe start
To serve in Electron
frappe start electron
This feature is under development.