This repository contains the main code to run the Paraná Delta Burned Area App in the Google Earth Engine environment. All the code was written using the JavaScript GEE API.
The Paraná Delta Burned Area App allows users to easily visualize the burned area and its temporal and spatial distribution along the Paraná River Delta, Argentina, during the period 2001-2022. It also provide valuable insights about vegetation conditions and humidity through the NDVI and NDWI index, respectively. These parameters provide meaningful information for fire risk assessment. All the products used in this app correspond to MODIS derived products.
- Copy or download the code.
- Enter GEE platform, create a new file and paste the code
- In the following lines change the path of your study region vector file (a) and the time range for analysis (b)
var deltaParana = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-my-francodbarr/assets/shpDelta');
//// Here you can load your own study region.
var startYear = '2001'; //// First year
var endYear = '2022'; //// Last year, including it
//// Lines aboves determines years that the user will be able to analyze
- Create the app and share it!