Codesohoj is an online platform that combines the benefits of an online judge and a coding learning platform. It offers programming problems, educational content, and supports multiple programming languages to provide an engaging learning experience for users of all levels.
Project Team:
- Jahangir Hossain (B190305009)
- Md. Farhan Masud Shohag (B190305043)
Dr. Sajeeb Saha
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Jagannath University
- User Handle
- Collection of Problems
- Learning Resources by Topic
- Tutorials & Articles
- Built-in Blogging Platform
- User Interactions & Community Building
- Progress Tracking
- Solve Practice Problems
- Built-in Code Editor & Judge
- Contest Arrangement
- Find Problems By Catagories
navigate to root/codesohoj directory and run
php -S localhost:8000 -t web/
navigate to codesohoj/judge directory and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install lockfile
sudo python3 -judge -cache