This is a personal install of Meso-NH, a non-hydrostatic model used for research. It is developed by the Laboratoire d'Aérologie (UMR 5560 UPS/CNRS) and by CNRM-GAME (UMR 3589 CNRS/Météo-France). The holders of Meso-NH software are Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS, Météo-France and Université Paul Sabatier.
When I tried to install Meso-NH, I found the online tutorial very technical and hard to follow. So I wrote a simple version for Ubuntu distribution available on Medium at this link. Be aware that cloning this repo is not enough to make it works, you need to follow the tutorial to build the project from source (make
, make install
, etc.). The latest version of Meso-NH can be downloaded at this link.
Don't forget to load a profile each time you start a new session (or configure your .bash_aliases
accordingly). If you haven't created a default profile yet, do it:
cd MNH-V5-4-2/src
. ../conf/profile_mesonh
To create a profile with specific settings:
export ARCH=LXgfortran #LXgfortran,LXifort,LXpgi,AIX64,SX8,BGQ (e.g., use Intel "gfortran" compiler on LX=linux Plateform)
export VER_MPI=MPIAUTO #MPIVIDE,MPIAUTO,MPIICE,MPIINTEL (e.g., use MPI with compiler wrapper 'auto', for computer having this wrapper installed)
export OPTLEVEL=DEBUG #OPTLEVEL=DEBUG,O2 (e.g., compile in O2, 4 times faster than DEBUG, but less error checks)
. ../conf/.profile_mesonh-LXgfortran-R8I4-MNH-V5-4-2-MPIAUTO-DEBUG`